I'm Sharing an English book containing 500+ daily usable phrases!

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3 years ago

When we are talking about learning English as language than we prefer communicative English.

Because we are not native speakers so we learn it as our second or third language.But for our learning inability makes learning English a difficult language.

I'm on the way of learning English from a communicative approach. No matter what we are doing like listening, writing or speaking can be defined as a media of communication.

So I think if we can master the ability to communicate in English, than we can master learning English.

So this is viable that the more you speak,write or listen most importantly the more you communicate, you are mastering your English ability. Though this can be your first second or third language.

Every single time I learn a new word I make a sentence with that word so that I can remember the word for a long time.

As my semester break is going on so I think of using this leisure to improve both my English speaking and writing ability. So I searched for some pdf files for day to day usable phrases and vocabulary.

My search result

I've found an incredible pdf named "500 English phrases". So I downloaded this file and my jaw dropped by seeing the arrangement of this books content.

This books content is divided into three basic parts.

1)Beginner section only if you are a novice learner. But I'll suggest you to go through every section because learning shouldn't be stopped.You can revise your previous learnings from this section.

2)Intermediate section. Here you'll find phrases and sentences more suitable for continue long conversations and more formal.

3)Advanced section. This is the last stage for those who have already completed their previous steps. In this section you'll find more advanced phrases, words, conversation style and many more.

I've learned so many advanced English from this section.Now I can proudly say my leisure time is used effectively and efficiently.

Another interesting thing about this book is its contents arrangements. From simple conversations like how to say hello to how to express your inner self every they have arranged in order.

espressoenglish pdf

If you opened the book you'll see a number of phrases to express yourself at the beginning. If you read this book attentively and practice what you've learned I can assure you that you'll be able to talk about a particular topic for a long time. And also you'll be never run out of words and sentences.

Here I'm adding the link of this book. You can download it directly in pdf format and start enhancing your English communication ability.

Link: http://espressoenglish.net

> freePDF 500+ Real English Phrases! - Espresso English

Here I'm giving you a glimpse what I've learned.

Today I've learned how to apologize for something and also how to respond to an apology both formally and informally.

Sentences related to daily life

As we are not native speakers sometimes we don't know how to react to a particular situation so these situational practices will provide you certain benefits.

And one thing I must tell you don't forget to practice what you've acquired because we all know practice makes our learnings more perfect.

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3 years ago
