Don't give anyone so much too much respect that they consider your disrespect their right. Because when you put a lowly person on your head, he will do something despicable and the popular saying is that an honorable person respects another because a person gives someone what he has. Never let yourself down in front of anyone so much that they despise you and find it difficult to get up again. The highest status in the world is that if you respect yourself, the world will respect you automatically. This is my own opinion also express you opinions.
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Self-respect is about having a sense of honor and dignity about yourself, your choices, and your life. It is about treating others well and knowing that by doing so, others will treat you well in return. Self-respect is knowing that not everyone will treat you well and choosing to respect everyone nonetheless, but still knowing that you deserve to be surrounded by great people. Having respect for yourself is vital in maintaining a positive self-image by allowing yourself to feel confident in who you are and content with the person you are becoming.