Keep in touch with people Keep building relationships It doesn't take long to ruin a relationship but it can take years to build a relationship, build a relationship whether poor or rich, far or near, relationships are always useful Don't think of a poor person as inferior Staying away and not making a connection between what I do is a big mistake because rich or poor your good and bad times your relationship is useful to you The poor need the rich and the rich need the poor so every Establish a good relationship with someone who will help you in this world and in the hereafter.
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We become close with our friends in the first place because we mutually let one another into our lives, and we’re there for one another when we need support. That’s the difference between knowing classmates, neighbors, and coworkers and being friends with them. Virtual lines of communication — the telephone, FaceTime, Facebook — all help keep us connected in those moments when we can’t be together, but they’re usually not the same as physically being there. You don’t know exactly how your friend reacted. And retelling after the fact rarely captures the intensity of emotions that individuals experience in the moment.