Period in Islam

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Mujaddid is someone who revives religious issues that have been lost to time. Their task is to explain the subject matter of religion rather than heresy, accompanied by strong arguments.

Mujaddid appears every 100 years, according to the statement of the Prophet SAW. In the hadith narrated by Abu Dawud, Hakim, and Baihaqi:

"Verily Allah will send (present) to this ummah (Muslims) people who will renew their religion (affairs) at the end of every hundred years"

Their emergence is not because of their own admission, but based on the ittifaq (approval) of scholars who lived during a certain century (hijri century). Here we attach the mujaddid who lived from the first century until now.

First century Hijri: Umar Bin Abdul Aziz

He was a caliph during the Umayyag dynasty. He is an imam who is faqih, mujtahid, zuhud, worships a lot. His justice and modesty are often used as examples. Imam Al-Baqir said that the noble person from the Umayyads was Umar bin Abdul Aziz. On the Day of Resurrection he will be resurrected as one people, he died from poisoning in 101 H. Allahummaghfirlahu.

The second century hijri Muhammad bin

Idris As-Syafi'I, his name may be familiar to our ears. He is the founder of the Shafi'i school. he was born in Gazza, Pelaestina in 150 H and died in 204 in Egypt.

Third century: Qadi Abu Abbas Ahmad bin Umar bin Suraij Al Baghdadi

Fourth Hijri Century: Shaykh Abu Hamid Ahmad bin Muhammad Al-Isfirayini (344-406 H), a great teacher of tariqah of the Iraqis, a hafizh school of thought, and a scholar of the Ummah. There are also those who argue that the fourth century meujadid was Abu Sahl bin Sulaiman Ash-Shuluki (296-369 H). He is an imam who was born in the fields of Fiqh, interpretation, language, poetry, literature, monotheism, tashawuf and others.

Fifth century Hijriyah: Abu Hamid Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Muhammad Al Ghazali (450-505 H), known as Hujjatul Islam.

A very pious among the people and the leader of the priests. His works are very numerous and evenly distributed with all science fans, spread in various parts of the world. One of them is Ihya Ulumuddin.

Sixth century Hijri: Imam Abu Qasim Abdul Karim bin Muhammad Ar Rafi'i

In the Shafii school of thought he is a mujtahit tarjih, that is, someone who is able to clarify which school of thought is the strongest opinion of the priest. Among his works are Muharrar, Fathul Aziz and others.

The seventh century Hijri: Taqiyuddin Muhammad bin Ali bin Wahab or known as Daqiqil Aid (625-702 H).

He was an imam in 2 schools of thought, namely the Maliki and Shafie schools.

Eighth century Hijri: Sirajuddin Umar bin Ruslan Al-Bulkini

The ninth century Hijri: Shaykhul Islam Abu Zakaria al-Ansari (833-926 H). including the imam and leading figure of his time. He studied with Ibn Hajar al Asqalani, while Ibn Hajar Al Haitami was his student. Therefore he said "I was knocked between Dua Hajar. "Some argue that the ninth century mujaddid was Jalaluddin Abdurrahman bin Abu Bakr As-Sayuthi (849-911 H). He had excellence in most of the Islamic sciences and achieved the degree of Mujaddid. His works were more than 700 essays.

Tenth century Hijri: Syamsuddin Muhammad bin Ahmad Ar-Ramli (919-1004H).

In his era he was an expert on fiqh in Egypt and part of the place of support in fatwas, until he was titled with a minor Syafie. Among his famous works is Nihayatul Muhtaj Syarh Minhaj .

Eleventh century Hijri: Sayyid Abdul Qadir bi Abu Bakr Al-Aydrus, some argue that the eleventh century mujaddid is Sayyid Muhammad bin Rasul Al-Barzanji.

The twelfth century hijri: syihabuddin ahmad bin umar Ad-dayrabi. there are those who argue that Habib abdullah bin alwi al-haddad (1044-1132 H), the composer of the very famous ratib al-haddad. , he can not see, so when composing, he dictates his essay.

The thirteenth century Hijri: Shaykh Abdullah bin Hijazi as-Syarqawi (1150-1227 H).

He was the Shaykh of Al-Azhar and a role model in his time so that his students were scattered in various parts of the world.

The fourteenth century Hijri is still being debated, but some say that is Sayyid Muhammad bin Alwi Al-Maliki AL-Hasani.

The pearl of knowledge in the Haram. Many of his students come from Indonesia, one of them is Habib Hasan Baharun, the founder of the Dalwa Islamic Boarding School in Bangil. , East Java. His most famous work is Mafahim Yajibu an Tushah.

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