The purpose of this fat-burning elixir is to naturally stimulate receptors in the brain to help your body relax and initiate sleep. This in turn will help the human growth hormone to be stimulated, which helps boost metabolism and burn fat.
welcome everyone I wantto share a scientific elixir to helpyour body burn fat and sleep like a babythe purpose of allowing your mind andbody to get into a deep sleep is toaffect human growth hormone yuuma growthhormone is produced in the brain in thepituitary gland it's important forgrowth cell regeneration and cellreproduction this hormone will alsospeed up your healing after an injuryand repair muscle tissue after exercisebut it also builds muscle mass boostmetabolism and burn fatchamomile tea is nature's miraclerelaxant this is not only used forstress reduction but it has a calmingeffect throughout the mind and bodychamomile tea will reduce anxiety andcalm the nervous system as it relaxesthe muscles and allows your brain andbody to fall into a deep sleep thecalming effects of this sleep inducer isattributed to an antioxidant called apigeon in a pigeon in binds to specificreceptors in your brain that's whatdecreases anxiety and initiates sleepnow apple cider vinegar has manymedicinal health benefits it lowersblood sugar levels decreases insulinlevels it improves metabolism andreduces fat storage it will burn fatthrough the body and it will helpsuppress your appetite lemons promotefullness it supports hydration it willboost metabolism and increase weightloss lemon will help detoxify the liverand blood as it helps the body releasetoxins the combination of this cleansingeffect helps cleanse the body's organsand internal systems allowing yourmetabolism to function at a higher levelcinnamon also has powerful medicinalproperties its loadwith antioxidants it hasanti-inflammatory properties it can helpcut the risks of heart disease it lowersblood sugar levels and has a powerfulanti-diabetic effect but it will helpfat cells burn lipids which helps youburn fat and lose weight so let me showyou how simple this fat burning elixiris so you're going to need one chamomiletea bag as well as eight to 12 ounces ofwater 1/2 of a lemon 1 tablespoon oforganic apple cider vinegar preferablywith the mother and 1/2 teaspoon ofcinnamon powder you'll make one cup ofboiling water and put the chamomile teabag inside now add the ingredients intothe cup the apple cider vinegar thecinnamon and the juice of the lemon and let it steep for 10 minutes andapproximately thirty minutes before yougo to bed drink this down theseingredients mixed with the chamomile teais going to cause neurologicalstimulation within the brain which isgoing to help increase metabolism so youcan burn fat easily while you sleep so Ichallenge every one of you start usingthis elixir every night and within sevendays you will see a significant changein your metabolism you'll sleep like ababy and you'll wake up refreshed readyto take on the worldplease share this with your friends andfamily leave your comments below and most important make it a great day