What I Do When It's Raining

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Rain, Cold, Eat, Snack

In July it has rained several times in my city. This causes the weather to be slightly cooler than usual because in a week it can rain up to 9 times. Is this good for me? Of course. I really like cold weather, so does everyone. When the weather is cold and I'm off work, I usually make the atmosphere even more enjoyable by making hot snacks and drinks.

I made fried bananas

It has become mandatory when the weather is cold the body also becomes shivering with cold. And usually I make a simple meal, which is to make fried bananas like that. Fried bananas that are still hot when eaten when the body is shivering from the cold can help the body warm up a little. Coupled with making hot drinks such as tea or milk or hot chocolate can also help the body become warmer again. By making snacks and making warm drinks, we can enjoy this cold temperature comfortably.

make hot tea to warm the body

"Are there any other activities besides making food?"

Of course there is. In addition to making hot food and drinks, I usually listen to music on YouTube to add to the atmosphere to make it even more enjoyable. The music I listen to when the weather is cold is usually soft and calm music, like a piano instrument. But not only that, I usually listen to songs that can make my mood happier to add to my mood.

Besides that, when it rains for quite a long time, usually if there is nothing to do at home such as washing clothes or other things, I prefer to sleep. Because cold weather makes the atmosphere more comfortable, cold weather can also cause drowsiness. This is what makes me or other people who do not have activities outside or inside the house to be sleepy at home, more precisely in the room.

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So, when I am not working, the weather is not friendly and there is nothing to do at home, I prefer to rest because it is the right time to relax my muscles while working yesterday. In addition, other activities are looking for ideas and writing articles that I want to discuss here. At home, sometimes writing becomes faster because there are no distractions or obstacles when write article.

So, what about you guys? What do you do at home when the weather outside makes you unable to do outdoor activities?

Lead image from pixabay.com
All illustration image from my own capture

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Rain, Cold, Eat, Snack


Warm an hot food in a slightly cold weather is love of mine. ❤️ Weather here is also good these days, although it is end of Monson(heavy unexpected rains) weather but it already made our weather cool. But humidity level is high these days. But we are enjoying it.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

At my place this week has just entered an unexpected heavy rain season. And I also agree with you that the weather right now is very good even though it's too humid for me. And the bad effect is that the whole city becomes flooded.

$ 0.00
2 years ago