Coconut Milk, A Food Ingredient Made From Old Coconut

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2 years ago

Do you know coconut milk? Coconut milk is one of the most widely used food ingredients in all countries in the world which is made from grated old coconut meat and given water. In Indonesia, coconut milk has become one of the most important food ingredients.

coconut milk is most widely used to make various kinds of food and drinks

In this modern era, coconut milk has been produced by many factories with various types. Starting from the liquid form or in the form of a powder which has recently been favored by some people.

However, my mother said, pure coconut milk that was squeezed out of itself was the tastiest and more natural than the instant coconut milk made in the factory. It's just that natural coconut milk, if not directly processed, goes stale faster than instant coconut milk. If you want it to last longer, you can store it in the freezer so it doesn't go stale.

" Is making your own coconut milk difficult? "

Honestly, making your own coconut milk is not difficult. You only need grated old coconut and water. In the traditional way, the method of squeezing coconut milk is by squeezing it by hand. This method is more tiring and requires strong hand grip strength so that the coconut that we squeeze can get the coconut milk out.

this squeezing technique is quite tiring and takes a long time to produce coconut milk

There are also those who use cloth to squeeze out coconut milk if there is a lot of grated coconut. But this method also requires more energy so that the grated coconut is squeezed out.

The easy way is to use a coconut milk squeezer machine. This method is only available for grated coconut sellers. People who are reluctant to squeeze coconuts usually squeeze the grated coconut at the place where the grated coconut seller has the squeezer.

" How many types of coconut milk are there for food? "

There are 3 variants to make your own coconut milk, namely thick, medium, and thin. These three types of coconut milk have different uses depending on the type of cooking. If you want to make a soupy dish, make savory rice or make dessert, you can use thick coconut milk.

the coconut milk I need right now is medium coconut milk

For coconut milk with medium consistency, it is usually used to make pudding or dishes that use meat. And thin coconut milk is usually used to cook rendang which is usually used for the initial stages of cooking rendang. And thin coconut milk can also be used to make sponge cake. The reason why the sponge uses thin coconut milk is so that when it is cooked the sponge is not too dense in texture.

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So that's my discussion about coconut milk. Coconut milk itself is used the most in Indonesia and there are many variants of food that use coconut milk as a cooking ingredient. Coconut milk also has good benefits for the body. But consuming coconut milk in large quantities is also not good for the body because coconut milk contains high calories and fat so it is not good for health if consumed too much.

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Illustration image from my own capture

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Written by
2 years ago


Masakan Indonesia indektik bersantan. Saya jika ingin peres santan sekarang saya blender kelapa baru peres.. Jika ingin lebih banyak santan lagi bisa pake kain peres sekuatnya. Santannya di jamin kental. 😁👍👍

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes bener banget Bu. Seluruh masakan Indonesia rata rata pakenya santan. Kalo di rumah saya terutama ibu saya malah paket trik kuno seperti di foto saya itu Bu hahaha. Saya sudah bilang pake kain tetap aja gak mau hahaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hihihi orang tua kuat meresnya kita yang muda2 ini bentar udah pegel

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Bukan hanya gak kuat, tapi trik biar dapat santannya banyak pas di peras ini kita gak tau hahaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Teknik meres santenmu jek kuno kang, hahaha. Lek aku tak lebokke kain njuk tak peres koyo meres kumbahan. Hasile juoss konyos2 sanntene metu kuabeh.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Aku wes ngomong karo mbok ku yo ngono kang. Tak kandani nganggo kain ben rodok okeh santene. Tapi mbok ku gak gelem blas. Klopo sing di kanggo ora okeh ngono malah jarene wkwkwk.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wkwkwkwk, maklum ancene nek wong tuo ki yo uangel lek dikongkon mencoba sesuatu hal yg baru.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mangkane kui kang. Tapi nek tuku kelapane okeh ngono baru di peres nang nggon bakul kelopo parut.

$ 0.00
2 years ago