Is it Possible to Love Someone Too Much?
I've often wondered about the meaning of love. What it means to truly love someone completely. I've also wondered about the human desires. How we feel. The way we make others feel.
Before today, I would have probably answered yes to this question. A time when I thought that lusting after someone or desiring them is what love is. A time I wanted so much to be seen and loved as much as I was seeing and loving. I wanted everything returned in equal measures, so I concluded that I was loving a little too much.
Now, I've learned that love is the most powerful force on earth. I've experienced it, the pure one. It flows freely through us and to others. We begin to think loving is too much because of the expectations and restrictions we out on ourselves. We want to manipulate and control. We at that point forget that it's no longer love but what we make it to be. It leaves us exhausted and reaching for more till there's nothing left.
Love has never been a thing we can tweak to suit us at any time. The freedom to love begins from within us, from loving and honouring ourselves. We can't give what we don't have. We have to accept and let go of the need to control. Only then can pure love flow through us.
Let's hear your thoughts.
Yes, it is possible to love someone too much. We can't control our feelings, whether to love them too deep or not. It just happens naturally without you noticing it. Just be careful because loving someone too much is dangerous. It might get your heart broken into pieces.