Deforestation: why destroy our ecosystem.

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3 years ago

Deforestation: why destroy our ecosystem.

Forest is part of nature that God used to bless mankind. There are numerous forests in the world and the biggest of them being Amazon forest but they face huge problem. They are gradually being destroyed and this is called deforestation. Forests serve numerous functions such source to timber, habitat for wild animals, source for food, provides the world with Oxygen etc.

Deforestation is the deliberate act of cutting down trees without replacing the leading to depletion of trees. This is a very big problem that will backfire to man very soon. Causes of deforestation includes:

  • The increase in demand of timber and the urge to make a living from it has increase cutting down of trees.

  • The demand to increase farmland and human settlement due to population explosion is another cause.

  • Ability to earn income from lumbering.

  • Hunting among others.

Disadvantages of deforestation.

Deforestation is not good for man as the problems it pose can catastrophic. They include the following:

  • Deforestation leads to displacement of wild animals who dwell in the forest. This can lead to death of some and probably extinction of some rare animals.

  • Trees are part of Ecosystem which take up Carbon dioxide and gives us Oxygen we need to survive. Just know that with deforestation, our source of Oxygen is danger. This is most terrific consequence should it happen.


no doubt we need timber for many purposes and trees are the sources. So this implies that there must be cutting down of trees to meet human demands. Secondly the population explosion demand some clearing of forest for settlements. The only remedy to deforestation is replacing the trees cut down with new ones (forestation). We should plant more trees to save our planet. 

You too should join in planting trees around you, together we can save the planet

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3 years ago
