In this life, happiness is one of the goal of everyone of us. There's a lot of reasons to be happy. But the question is, are those reasons really makes you happy? in my second year college life one of my professor ask us to write down the things or reasons that makes us happy. A lot of my classmates write down their families. Some are choosing to write the names of their friends. But me? I literally put the what comes first to my mind, and it is being truly contented for what I have right now. At first I really don't know why did I put that. But one day I realize that contentment in life is one of the ways to make you really happy. You don't need to envy others for what they have, you don't need to compare yourself to them which may leads to losing your self confidence. You don't need to mind what they are, as long as you live your life to the fullest, you make your day active and meaningful without fulling down other people. You can always find reasons to be thankful to God for your everyday life.
Writing down your family or friends as the reason of your happiness is not wrong, because it truly affects your mood every time you spend time with them. But sometimes those reasons will also make you sad if you are not really contented to them. Today you are happy because they are good to you. But if your day went wrong like they scold you, you find reasons to compare them to other people which is not good for the both of you. If you are truly happy with them, even if they do bad things you will still find ways to love them. Be contented for what they can give you and they are when they are with you.
So, if you think that your day is not good, always think to the brighter side that God wake you up that day. And that is enough reason to be happy and thankful.
Thank you for reading this, I hope you find your true HAPPINESS!!
God Bless <3
Deep, contentment always bring satisfaction. Nice one Miz.