First what is Hostility? It is a state of ill and bad feeling. It is an aggressive relationship between two people. It will be apparent in written communication through symbols, words that have an unfriendly meaning. And also, through the whole sentence. But there are some people who misunderstood the thought that we shared or misunderstood our ideas. That is why it is better to communicate with the others personally. To see the reactions of the listener or the one who takes the ideas.
Next is in Oral Communication. Hostility is easily show in this type of communication. It is also through the words and reactions. Don’t be too aggressive in talking with someone because it might cause a big trouble to the both of you. Hostility also shows in every reaction. We can easily say what is the true feelings of the person we talk too because we can see their eyes if they really understand what we’ve been saying. If they really focus in communicating to us.
The non-verbal communication is the type of communication where in you will only use sign language, reaction, body gestures and not through words. In this type of communication, we can see the hostility of a person base on the actions they have, the reactions in their faces, the sign language they used. We can also see aggressiveness in their eyes. Most of the people who use this type of communication use the aggressiveness just to protect their selves. They only want to be understood by the others.
In listening we can see the hostility if the listener didn’t focus on what the speaker says. If the listener interrupts the speakers. And if they always laugh because of the wrong things the speaker does or says. If they choose to talk to another person than listening to the speaker. A lot of this things happened in every schools in different year levels.
Hostility can manifest differently depending on the communication style. In verbal exchanges, it might appear as aggressive language or raised tones, while written hostility could emerge through harsh wording or all-caps typing. Nonverbal communication, such as glaring or avoiding eye contact, also conveys negativity. Online interactions often amplify hostility due to anonymity. A recent frontier communications review highlights how digital platforms struggle with managing hostile behaviors, impacting interpersonal dynamics. Understanding these patterns is crucial to fostering healthier communication in personal and professional contexts.