Expatriate life

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3 years ago

Expatriate life is interesting but there is something else behind it. Some may be expatriates for some time in their careers, while others may spend a lifetime. This life is happy for some, sad for others. People from abroad go abroad to keep the people of the country good and happy. The role of expatriates in keeping the country's economy afloat and increasing foreign exchange reserves is not less.Migrant workers work day and night to keep their parents, siblings, wife and children well. So life in exile is a little different.

Expatriate life

We call those who go abroad from the country expatriates. Because they left their place and went abroad to stay a little better. Why go? Due to lack of employment in our country, lack of facilities like abroad, low salary etc. These reasons would not exist, if we could increase fair employment in the right way for the people inside our country. In fact, it is not possible to work alone, the government must also work.

Is it very good for someone to emigrate from the country? No, leaving everything from the country, such as his parents, siblings, wife, children, relatives, when a person goes abroad or works alone, his mind falls on the country. On the ground. I remember the words of his parents, his brothers and sisters, his wife and children. Then he does not want to work anymore.

I want to leave everything and come back to the country. But no, time and circumstances do not allow him to do so, because if he comes to the country from abroad, his own people will suffer financially, he will have to eat three meals at a time, some times he will not eat again. She can't stand it if it happens right in front of her eyes.

So, even after hundreds of sufferings, the people of the country are in exile, even if it is difficult for them, so that their loved ones are a little better, a little more comfortable, a little more beautiful, so that he can see the smiling faces of the people when he returns to the country. Ah, that's when absolute peace seemed to come to him. I think for this moment, to be out of the country, to suffer a little.

Pulse and patriotism

The biggest tension of a person in exile is the tension of the pulse. It is because of this tension that an expatriate thinks about the country, thinks that he has to go back to his country with something good, to his pulse. Otherwise his life abroad will fail. Because of this failure, some people do not leave the country, they leave for life. It's actually a cause for frustration. Although the main explanation of this reason cannot be found, it is understood that a person's country, how much tension he has with the people of the country, how much bond he has.

People who live in or are in the country usually do not feel the pulse intensely. Because they can see the country, the people of the country can see, the mother can see more, if they want to get tired, they can get rid of all the tiredness of life in an instant. Although she feels frustrated, her mother is also trying to overcome that frustration. Ah, what could be more peaceful than this. Nothing. In fact, the mother is the key to the child.

Happiness and sorrow of expatriates

If I talk about the happiness and sorrow of the expatriates, I will say that they have no happiness but there is no end to their sorrow. Because they are working for the country, for the people of the country, without sleeping, without eating on time, with hungry stomachs. But they are also poor. They also want happiness. And they get happiness only when they bring something from exile to their own country or hand over their hard earned money to their loved ones. They then rejoice, happily becoming self-absorbed. It seems to them that their life abroad is successful.The key to success is to bring a smile to the face of their parents, to take some time off for a better life for their wife and children. I think so.

Because they leave the country for this too. Does anyone go abroad for happiness? No one goes abroad for his own happiness but goes abroad to see the happiness of others. They like it when they bring something dear to their loved ones with the desired wealth they have acquired, but they are happy when they understand, see their loved ones, the happiness of the people close to them, then they are amazed, amazed.

The man who earns money by driving a rickshaw in the country is looked down upon by the society with the eyes of negligence and reluctance, because he is earning money by driving a rickshaw. But that man is going abroad and doing the same thing. But where is the shame. He is not stealing, he is working, he is working hard to earn money. Why should there be shame in this. This is the difference between the country and abroad. The reason why our country is lagging behind is that the minds and mentality of the people of the country are still very low. How can a country that nurtures low-minded people move forward?

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3 years ago


Kottheke marli{

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User's avatar Mrm
3 years ago

Is it very good for someone to emigrate from the country? No, leaving everything from the country, such as his parents, siblings, wife, children, relatives, when a person goes abroad or works alone, his mind falls on the country. On the ground. I remember the words of his parents, his brothers and sisters, his wife and children. Then he does not want to work anymore.

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3 years ago

thanks for your kind information

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User's avatar Mrm
3 years ago