Making Money with Verse

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3 years ago

I have been making some money with Verse for a couple of weeks already, and wow, those are some good money! In this article I want to share my experience with you and if you never tried it before, check it out and start earning some money today!

Verse is an App that is really helpful when it's time to pay! How many times did you find yourself having to split the total in a restaurant with a friend? Verse makes it automatic, it needs just one tap to split the total between two people, or among more.

One of their cool features is that it is supposed to be worldwide and that instead of paying for commercial they directly pay the customers to spread the voice! Infact they give you 5€ when you register to VERSE, and 5€ for any other friends that you bring with you!


It is really simple, first of all you need to download the app VERSE

Now you need to fill in your information for registration!

Once you have done it you need to verify your account with an ID (it usually takes a few minutes to accept it)

Now you need to go to promo code and type my code: YV3BB6

Now we are almost done! The only thing you need to do to claim your instant 5€ bonus is to put at least 5€ on your Verse and then send it to someone (of course you are going to send it to a friend so that he will send them back to you) and your bonus will already be on your account! You can withdraw it anytime from just 5€, withdraw is instantly done on your bank account! (If you don't have any friends to complete this simple task with, you can send me 5€ and I will send them back to you) I will leave you my link to send me 5€ if you need to:$marios435

So this is a simple way I Use to make some money free! I hope you enjoyed reading this, even though there might be more than one error in english! But I tried my best!

I hope to see you on Verse too! And have fun making some money!


$ 0.00
Avatar for MrZev
Written by
3 years ago
