Jim Ayward, founder of the London Football Exchange project which manages a LFE symbolized currency, has admitted that he had tampered with the price of the cryptocurrency for his project.
Gareth Parker of News Talk 6PR claims that he obtained a registration for “Ilward” in which the latter admits to tampering with the price of the token by owning a majority stake in the currency offer, which enables him to manipulate investors.
The voice was allegedly sent to colleagues participating in the "LFE" project.
According to the report and the audio recording, Aylward stated:
We handle the price, we control about 95% of all LFE digital currencies.
The report also indicated that "The Islander", who bought the Perth Glory Football Club, is the same owner of the pseudonym of "James Abbas Benayaz", a man who was arrested in 2010 on charges of value-added tax fraud (VAT). The project was covered earlier under the title:
Crypto Acquires 80% of Football Club Shares!
While “Illward” declined to comment on the “6PR” allegations and posted the following in an Internet chat room:
I will not respond to the accusations and I will not allow the personal attacks to influence the project.
In addition to the exposed voice, the report says that "LFE" is being sued in the New York State Supreme Court by a Miami-based investment company called "777 Partners" in connection with an offer to buy a Spanish football club.