How to remove dark circles naturally

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How to remove dark circles naturally and achieve visible results? We will discover this dilemma, as well as everything else related to the removal of the eyelids in a natural way, in the text.

Eye strain, sitting at a computer for too long and not closing at all can cause dark circles and eye swelling. Accumulation of fluids as well as dark circles can be genetic.

Allergies, sinus problems, fluid retention, smoking, too much salt and alcohol can cause water retention in this very sensitive tissue.

As we age, dark circles can often be caused by weakening of the tissues around the eyes and movement of orbital fat, ie. due to the sagging tissue around the eyes, orbital fat more easily "fills" that space.

Learn how to prevent skin aging in the best possible way, so you can also prevent age-related dark circles.

Some people just have a problem with dark circles, no matter how much they rest. In them, dark, bluish rings are the result of very thin skin that reveals blood vessels below. One of them was Lila. I say "was" because her dark circles are now a thing of the past. Not just dark circles! In the same move, the wrinkles and the stain on the face were solved. All this naturally and easily! Wondering how? Read on. Her experience can be found at this link:

It is also very interesting that the color and shade of your skin depends on the color of your under-eye bags. In people with darker skin, the area under the eyes may have a brownish-greenish tint, in those with light skin a dark purple or reddish tinge, while in those with medium light skin the under-eyes look bluish or black.

Read more about the causes of dark circles.

If by any chance you are "privileged" in one of these categories, do not worry because there are many natural methods, which are available to you, and do not cost much, which minimize these problems. These solutions, in addition to helping you save money, you probably already have in your kitchen.

Cause of dark circles

To defeat the enemy, you must first meet him!

In this case, you need to know what causes dark bags under the eyes.

These are some of the most common causes:

Rubbing - not at all! Sure, this is very nice if you are sleepy or your eyes itch, but in this way you break small capillaries under the skin, which leads to swelling and redness, and also leads to stimulation of melanin, which leads to dark circles under the eyes;

Allergies - allergens in the air - dust, pollen, smoke can very often lead to swelling of the eyes, dark circles and redness. Food allergies such as dairy and wheat also have the same effect on the eyes as allergens from certain skin care products;

Lack of sleep - a common cause of dark circles, and the reason is that people who lack sleep look paler, so the cavities around the eyes become more obvious;

Dehydration - if we do not take in enough fluids, this is reflected in the appearance of our eyelids, which become dry and dark. The skin is very sensitive in that place, so dryness additionally emphasizes the appearance of puffiness and wrinkles;

Sun exposure - even under the eyelids ?!

Sun exposure affects the appearance of everything related to our facial and body skin. Too much sun exposure leads to increased production of melanin in the skin, which darkens the already darker skin under the eyes, and causes sagging skin and wrinkles around the eyes;

Smoking - in addition to adversely affecting overall health, it particularly affects the appearance of the skin around the eyes because it causes dryness, wrinkles and sagging skin;

Co - consuming too much salt or salty foods causes the accumulation of water in the body and around the eyes, which leads to the appearance of bags under the eyes and puffiness;

Alcohol - Consumption of alcoholic beverages leads to dehydration, and you know the sequel.

Although all of the above leads to the appearance of dark circles, we still have a wide range of completely natural treatments that we can use to erase them.

The first and foremost way to remove dark circles naturally is to avoid what creates them!

And then try this too!

Natural treatments against dark circles

With these natural treatments, you will say goodbye to your eyelids. You will achieve the best results if you combine several of these methods alternately.

Cucumber against dark circles

This vegetable has properties that help rejuvenate the area around the eyes, and at the same time cool, thus reducing swelling.

How to remove dark circles naturally with the help of cucumber?

Cut the cucumber into thin rings, then keep on the eyes for 10-15 minutes. After that, rinse and pat dry, never rubbing with a towel. You will achieve an even better effect if you put it in the refrigerator for about an hour before cutting it.

Potatoes against dark circles

Potatoes, like cucumbers, have cooling and swelling effects, so they are used in the same way as cucumbers.

If you want to remove dark circles naturally, potatoes are a great choice because, in addition to all the above, they also have a whitening effect, so they help with dark circles.

How to remove dark circles with baking soda

Nothing easier! From the ingredients you will need:

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 cup warm water

Stir baking soda in water and soak cotton pads or tuffs. Squeeze out the excess liquid, then put it under the eyes for about 10-15 minutes. After that time, rinse your face with cold water. Dry and apply some anti-wrinkle or moisturizer. You can repeat this once or twice a day.

Find out which is the best face cream that suits your skin type.

Baking soda speeds up blood flow and reduces bags under the eyes, and it is also a natural peeling that will give the skin on this part of the face a glow and a fresher look.

You can also use this procedure if you put half a teaspoon of salt instead of baking soda, and the water should be warm. Although it is good for removing dark circles, it is not recommended for consumption because it retains excess fluid in the body.

Tea against dark circles

You can use bags of green, black tea or chamomile. This is an effective solution for tired, swollen eyes because tea bags contain caffeine, have anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants that are known to reduce swelling, soothe and protect the skin.

How to remove dark circles naturally with the help of tea?

No, you don't drink! After dipping the tea bag into the tea, squeeze out the excess liquid and put them in the fridge to cool. Keep them on your eyes for 10-15 minutes, then rinse.

Tip for free: If you want to refresh your whole face, especially during hot summer days, and thus tired eyes, make strong green tea, and when it cools down, fill a small bottle with spray. Store it in the refrigerator and use it to spray your face and eyes when you feel tired. Replace it once a week.

This is a way to remove dark circles in a natural way that you can deal with

Rose water against dark circles

Rose has the property to act on the elasticity of the skin, making it tighter.

Dip cotton swabs in this water and apply on eyes and dark circles for 10 minutes. Then rinse and dry.

How to remove dark circles naturally with the help of mint?

Mint or better known in our country as mint has the power to soothe the eyes, remove dark circles.

It cools and helps the eyes look more alert.

How is it used?

You can put fresh mint leaves directly on the eyes or grind them in a blender, then put them on a cotton cloth, and then on the eyelids.

Cold water against dark circles

You will surely wake up immediately if you wash with cold water, especially if it has been in the fridge before. Of course, few people use cold water from the refrigerator for washing, but try it! It really works on tightening the skin, shrinking enlarged pores and under the eyelids, of course.

This way you reduce puffiness of the eyes, you look awake and fresh.

Cold compress against dark circles

If you moisten a cotton cloth with cold water and put it over your eyes, it will help reduce puffiness and thus under eyelids.

Relax, and keep the cloth on your eyes for at least 5 minutes!

Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for cold sores.

How to remove dark circles with lemon juice?


1 teaspoon lemon juice;

1 tablespoon whole milk or sour cream

Mix lemon juice with milk or sour cream, then dip the tuffs in that mixture and apply it on the under eye area. Wait for it to dry in the air, then rinse with cold water. Repeat the procedure twice a day.

Vitamin C from lemon juice removes all toxins from tired and swollen eyes. This natural remedy will help you get rid of dark circles under the eyes because lemon juice contains acids that brighten the skin. Milk hydrates and nourishes the skin.

Quality sleep as a way to remove dark circles naturally

This is one of the best natural ways to remove bags and dark circles under the eyes.

It is necessary to spend 7-8 hours in quality sleep every day.

The best sleeping position is on your back, with raised pillows, to prevent the accumulation of fluid around the eyes.

Fluid consumption

Getting enough fluids a day means 6-8 glasses of water, which will keep you hydrated and moisturize your skin from the inside out. This means faster and more efficient flushing of toxins from the body, which reduces fluid congestion leading to fluid and dark circles.

Milk against dark circles

If you have extremely inflated pads under your eyes, use this recipe regularly. Dip cotton pads in cold milk, put on eyelids and relax for 20-30 minutes. This helps your eyes suppress water retention and will also cool them down.

Vitamin E against dark circles

Pour a few drops of vitamin E oil into a bowl with pre-cooled water in the refrigerator, and mix well. Put cotton swabs dipped in this water over the eyes and over the eyelids and hold for about 20 minutes.

This recipe is great for reducing puffiness under the eyes.

Spoons against dark circles

This may seem funny to you, but it's effective and fun at the same time!

You need four tablespoons and a glass of ice water. Cool the spoons in the water and place one under each eye. Keep changing them while leaving the other two to cool in the water, until you notice an improvement in the appearance of your under-eye bags.

Learn all about facial massage with spoons.

Whites against dark circles

Whisk one to two egg whites and apply them with a brush on the area around the eyes.

Egg whites act to tighten the skin, so the skin around the eyes will certainly be tighter, and so the bags will look less puffy.

Leave the egg whites to act for about 20 minutes, then rinse with cold water and pat dry.

How to remove dark circles with coconut oil?

You need extra virgin coconut oil. On a clean face, before going to bed, massage coconut oil around the eyes in a clockwise direction and vice versa, for a few minutes. Repeat this every night.

Coconut oil is effective against dark circles because it contains lauric acid and other components that have inflammatory properties.

Coffee against dark circles

You will need:

Half a teaspoon of ground coffee;

a pinch of ground black pepper;

1 teaspoon coconut oil

Mix the ingredients and carefully apply the mixture under the eyes, taking care not to get in your eyes. Leave on for 10-12 minutes, then gently wipe with face wipes. You can repeat the procedure several times a week.

Caffeine from coffee reduces swelling and puffiness. Pepper improves circulation and will simply awaken the skin cells under your eyes. Coconut oil hydrates and gives the skin shine and softness.

How to get rid of dark circles with vitamin K.

Lack of vitamin K in the body can cause swelling of the eyes and the formation of bags under them. It is essential to have a healthy diet that includes foods rich in this vitamin. These are green leafy vegetables, broccoli, carrots, strawberries, liver and sprouts.

Vitamin K is essential for healthy blood circulation in the body.

How to remove dark circles naturally with the help of essential oils?

For this you will need:

1 drop of lavender oil

1 drop of lemon oil

1 drop of chamomile

1 teaspoon water

Mix the essential oils and mix them well in water. Gently massage this oil after washing and cleansing the face and leave it on overnight. Repeat the procedure every night until you notice an improvement. However, extra caution is needed because essential oils can cause irritation if they get into the eyes.

Lavender oil has a calming effect on the skin and nerves under the eyes, lemon oil contains natural antioxidants, while chamomile has anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant properties that act on puffiness.

Vitamins and minerals should be taken into the body so that the eyelids do not return to your face. Topical application of nutrients without worrying about the overall health of the body is not enough!

Removing dark circles with diet

Improper lifestyle and unhealthy diet lead to dark circles on the face, regardless of your age. When you start with proper skin care, it is necessary to change your lifestyle, ie your habits in order to regain the freshness and radiance of your face!

This fact of changing habits primarily refers to a diet that should be rich in iron, vitamin K and vitamin A. This diet will strengthen the whole body but also speed up circulation, strengthen the immunity of your skin so that you shine and are not afraid of gloomy and tired eyes. in the morning.

Here are the basic ingredients that should be consumed in order to completely get rid of dark circles. Reading, I learn that some of the ladies call the diet plan against dark circles a diet, but I wouldn't call it that. Because you are allowed to eat absolutely everything plus as many healthy foods from the following lines!

So add the following things to your regular meals on a daily basis:

Watermelon to remove dark under-eye circles

Here is a pleasant snack for us, which is first of all delicious and refreshing in the summer months, and at the same time rich in antioxidants that will strengthen the facial skin and accelerate the disappearance of dark under-eye circles. Watermelon contains silicon dioxide, which accelerates the formation of collagen inside the skin of the face and makes it fresh and radiant. It has vitamins C, E and K which strengthen blood vessels and neutralize dark circles under the eyes.

Watermelon contains thiamine, niacin, vitamin B, selenium, zinc, panthenolic acid, phosphorus and magnesium, which together refresh your complexion.

Celery against swollen eyelids

Celery contains sodium and potassium, which regulate the level of water under the skin, remove excess fluid in the area under the eyes, neutralizing swollen, drooping under-eye circles. You can add it to the soup and accelerate the disappearance of dark circles.

Carrot against all kinds of dark circles

Carrot juice will slow down the aging of your face and refresh your complexion, neutralizing dark circles thanks to vitamin A, which is retinol. If you don't have time to prepare carrot juice, chop it into a green salad and enjoy its taste during lunch!

Berries remove dark circles

Berries, especially blueberries, stimulate microcirculation. When the skin is well-circulated, it looks fresh and rested. Dark circles disappear with regular consumption of berries, but the blood picture also improves, so that the whole body becomes healthy and strong.

Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and sesame seeds against dark circles

Dark circles are caused by consuming too much fatty food, and we all love snacks such as chips, figs and various biscuits. It's time to replace them with healthy nuts and strengthen your facial skin.

Almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts can be added to lettuce and eaten as a snack. We recommend that you replace all purchased snacks with them, because they will make your facial skin strong and neutralize dark under-eye circles. You can mix sesame seeds with yogurt and eat them at work instead of pastries from the bakery, and it will also make your complexion fresh and radiant.

The key substances that relieve you of tired facial appearance are vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C, antioxidants and folic acid. When you eat lettuce, carrots, cereals, nuts and red fruits, you get rid of puffiness under the eyes and dark circles.

In the world, this diet is called an anti-inflammatory diet, ie an anti-inflammatory diet that neutralizes bloating under the eyes and tired eyes. In addition, if you include these foods in your diet, you will strengthen your body and preserve your immunity!

How to remove dark circles with natural cream

The whole text is dedicated exclusively to natural ways of removing dark circles, so it is impossible not to mention the completely natural Neborel cream.

It is made of ingredients that restore the elasticity of the skin and have a tightening effect. Neborel cream reduces existing and prevents the formation of new wrinkles. Due to its natural ingredients, it has the power to whiten, so it helps whiten dark circles under the eyes.

Neborela is a great choice if you want to solve several problems on the skin of your face with one "blow".

If you have dark circles, do not live in the belief that it is impossible to get rid of them!

Try some of these ways to remove dark circles in a natural way, which are really many, and even use more of the recipes offered in parallel, and you will see that you will soon have a completely different reflection in the mirror.

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2 years ago
Topics: Natural, Cosmetic, Tutorial, 2021, 2022, ...
