Is a pyramid scheme?

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2 years ago

Free cryptocurrencies without investing your hard earned $$$ sounds to good to be true right? Well it is when something is categorized as free there is always a catch. Crypto fever grew and so with it FOMO as the market is quite risky(considered as stocks 🏛️ on steroids 💉 ) thus opportunities for seizing it with advertisements.

So what is a Pyramid schemes?

Pyramid schemes promise easy riches, via investment opportunities or marketing of consumer goods and services. Participants can reap huge profits by bringing others into the fold, earning commissions from those who bite. Many pyramid schemes resemble multilevel marketing (MLM) businesses, which also involve a chain of adding new people to the operation. 👋

If you reading this you have probably came around all the absurd posts in Medium “How I generate 100$ daily”, “Earn 31$ a month for free” and the list goes on. When it was getting over saturated with articles and people like me tried to AVOID it writers tried to cover it with different headlines but still writing about same thing.

In modern times of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Medium and many others it’s easy to spread promises of fast returns by just using your own generated referral link like in and almost all other Crypto related businesses have them as an option.

Disclaimer: I am not against referral Marketing as I understand everyone wants to make a living and earn passively.

Just deceiving others with fast earnings, ludicrous headlines + no genuine intention to help the reader just own selfish interest is where I draw the line.

The idea that incorporated was a good hook🔗 to get the word spread around. Just answer a question and you get a free Hi dollar right? Well its not as simple as you may already know so what’s the catch?

  1. If you want to withdraw your HI dollars you have to wait a year for your Rewards to become flexible(at least that’s what they promised 😉).

Good reason to postpone it is so that everyone won’t dump the coin in a sell off, damaging the companies reputation as well value of HI dollar.

The amount I was able to accumulate by answering the questions

P.S the Auto-Earn doesn’t do anything until HI balance is in Flexible account.

2.Earning 30% APY on staking works from 100 HI dollars(Flexible)

3.Reference multilevel marketing (MLM)

It clearly states high earnings using MLM business that solely benefits downstream joiners

Note: Not bashing the method just to point out the obvious of it being a pyramid scheme

4.As of late to you can’t earn your free HI dollar so your incentivized to use referral link or buy Hi dollars.

Last free daily claim I had was at 2022–02–24

5.The app also has a KYC process of collecting passport information. Having a verified audience through a KYC process would increase advertising revenues.

Concluding I just wanted to raise that I don’t dislike They obviously put a lot off effort into utilizing the power of DeFi and entering the Web3 space. Just here to send a clear message and difference between reality and expectations.

$ 0.00
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2 years ago
