Since its inception, man has measured events over a period of time. While no one knows exactly what time it is, it is one of the most valuable things humans know. A period of time that has already elapsed can never be restored.
Everyone has the same schedule every day. Time is precious, but only when it is used for a good cause. Many people spend precious days and hours with little or no return. Others desperately try to keep working all the time, only to get into a nervous mess.
How is it going? Do you think time flies easily? Can you complete the necessary tasks in the allotted time? Can you use your time better?
Solve the problem of wasted time
If you were to write down what you do on a normal day, hour after hour, you would probably be surprised at the time wasted. Many exclaim: "I really don't know where the time is going." What can help people solve the problem of wasting time? R. Alec Mackenzie, Senior Business Consultant, responds:
"Self-discipline. Before you can control time, you have to control yourself. And the rewards make it very valuable."
Is your problem just a waste of time? Many people waste precious minutes in bed in the morning or at the breakfast table. When they come to work, they can socialize or face a variety of personal issues before they start working. Do that? Why not try waking up fifteen minutes earlier each day, packing your clothes or your briefcase the night before, or starting as soon as you get to work? This little effort can have positive effects throughout the day.
Disruptions in the form of unexpected calls or visitors can easily supplement planned plans for daily productive work. Does this happen to you regularly? If so, don't think it's rude to tell people you're busy. If you indicate when you can spend more time with them, they'll be sure you're interested in talking to them, and after a while your acquaintances will get used to times when you won't be available for conversation. .
Fatigue is a great waste of time. What can you do about it? Maybe you just need a change of pace, to switch from mental work to physical work, or vice versa. Remember that you have certain energy spikes every day. Although they vary from person to person, many find their most productive hours in the late morning or early afternoon. What do you do during your surges?
Too much emphasis on free time can rob you of your precious time. But even those who are ambitious can waste time. How is it? Some try to go through everything at the same time. Instead of working systematically and completing each step before moving on to the next, they nervously alternate between unrelated things. It leads to frustration and excitement which doesn't have much to do.
Some people have a habit of taking on more responsibility than they can realistically control. Are you one of those people who complains that you can't say no when asked to do something? How stupid to be like that! Of course, you can't use your time on a lot of work that you will never do.
Never be afraid that others will help you. Housewives, for example, can delegate many small tasks to their children. Even the little ones can learn to undress, put dirty dishes in the sink, clean the bedroom and go shopping. You will also find that children are happier when they are busy, while long periods of inactivity are sure to be frustrating.
Goals save time
Have you noticed how many people spend years of their lives "hanging out" in taverns, street corners or quiet activities? What is missing in the lives of these people? Valid goals. Knowing what you want to do and planning ahead to achieve your goals will help you make better use of your time.
What are your life goals? Have you thought about it a lot? As you do so, remember the wise counsel found in the Bible at Ecclesiastes 5:10: "The simple lover of money will not be satisfied with money, nor will the one who loves wealth be content with income. It is also vanity. Proverbs 16:16 emphasizes spiritual goals versus material goals and says, "Achieving wisdom is far better than gold! And the acquisition of understanding must be chosen more than money. To make the most of your time, you must choose the "right time to buy" to study the Bible, it is the only source of divine wisdom and understanding.
Once you have determined your main goals, write down the step-by-step steps that lead to each of these goals, including the next steps you plan to take in the near future. Then read again what you wrote. Check if the steps can be skipped. Eliminating them earlier can spend time on things that really need to be done.
Use the same method for your more immediate goals at work or with your family. Let's say you want to paint the inside of your house. In general, this seems very strenuous. But if it breaks down gradually, say piece by piece, it seems much easier to achieve. And each completed step serves as an incentive to continue finishing the job.
Of course, some of your goals are more important than others. Make sure you work on the most important things first. Follow the instructions in Organizing Your Time: “You can only do one thing at a time. Try to do this while worrying about other jobs. . . You spend more time at your job and stay further away from the 8 "ball."
Deadlines can be helpful
The work is developed to utilize the time available for its completion. You have probably realized that if you have a whole day to do something, you will probably be there all day. Under pressure, you may have completed the same task in just a few hours. Many found it necessary to set reasonable deadlines for making the most of their time.
Performance under pressure has its advantages. Have a behavioral content that tolerates less marginal actions and fewer interruptions. . . Your pace will be faster, you will be more determined. Infect others with your professional commitment. Avoid being interrupted or manipulating your pace of progress.
Some may fear that they will not be able to work for a period of time. Setting reasonable deadlines for each step in a project can, however, help reduce the intensity of the pressure later and distribute it more evenly across the job. A person who does this challenges himself to meet his time budget. And what a relief not to have to deal with hectic traffic at the last minute!
However, avoid being too strict when setting deadlines. Review them if they are not available. And do not forget to take time for accidents and unexpected interruptions. Business consultant Mackenzie mentioned earlier recommending that a person leave 20% of the day unplanned, "just to deal with unforeseen events."
Also, remember that making the most of your time does not mean you work every minute. Eric Johnston, CEO, wrote: “Every man should set aside time during the day to do nothing. Exactly nothing. »The relaxation phases are essential. They renew the mind and body and allow people to return to work with greater interest and determination.
Sometimes they neglect time resources
People who want to make the most of their time would do well to think about time resources that are often overlooked. Consider a few of these: Many people in the industrialized world have about forty minutes between getting up and going out of work; When they return from work, it may take an additional four or five hours to retire. That's the equivalent of just over twenty hours a week. Two-day weekends provide about three months of free time per year.
Of course, much of this time is spent dressing, eating, sleeping, or doing family activities. But couldn't some of it be directed to necessary reading, mowing the lawn, or other opportunities and goals that need special attention?
The wait is also easily overlooked. Every day, thousands of people line up, in waiting rooms or as others attend meetings. In an article titled “Making the Most of Strange Times,” the author comments:
“None of us would think of throwing coins and coins that accumulate in our pockets. But most of us waste time making small changes, five minutes here, fifteen minutes there, that add up to a normal day. I probably spent an entire day at the dentist's office last year blindly leafing through old newspapers. ""
The author of this article became a "waitress" who kept him waiting to write letters and attend to other correspondence. She was very happy with the results.
How can you make the most of your time? Set valuable goals and work on them step by step. Give yourself a boost by starting on time and setting realistic deadlines for each phase of your work. Self-discipline and good organization will help you put your most productive hours to good use. And don't stop dipping into your resources with weird hours that could be wasted.