The demand for paintings in Italy has increased dramatically in recent years and with this growth the press sometimes tells stories of spectacular thefts - famous paintings from Catholic churches and art galleries. It is believed that stolen paintings are more likely to be sold overseas to decorate an artist's walls. It can be said that today buying all kinds of paintings is in fashion not only in Italy, but also in many other countries.
How are you? Have you rented a new apartment and thought of a wall for a bar? Would you like to decorate your room and make it more attractive? Or are you planning to invest some of your capital in art? In any case, some people find that a good board suits their needs.
But not everyone knows how to choose. For some good advice, we met an artist who has been painting for thirty years. Some of his works can be found in art museums around the world. If you want to participate, we will come to you.
We are lucky enough to meet you in your office and we are not busy at the moment. After the usual introductions, we stated that we intended to purchase paintings and we would like to hear from you about it.
"How much do you want to spend?" he asks. "Tables on the market have all kinds of prices."
Take an attractive scene along the Seine and place it at right angles for studio lighting. Then he continues with a smile: “It's an easy path that many have followed. Get a printed catalog, which is usually accompanied by an attractive presentation with certificates of earnings and other information. There you will find photos of the paintings with information on size, price and authorship. If so, it's plain and simple. ""
Could the price be higher than the fair value of the painting you are looking to buy?
"Oh yeah. The price may be too high. You pay for the ad. Then he gestures with arms and head and continues: “Unfortunately, it is very easy to make mistakes.
Is there a rule to determine the right price based on the size of the table or some other standard?
“Well,” he said calmly and measuredly, “it is not possible to determine the real value of the exchange by just its size. A small painting can be worth a billion lire while a large painting costs only 100,000 lire.
We look at him in dismay as he approaches a large painting of a young woman that attracts our attention. We look at it from a side angle. The play of shadow and light creates a very pleasant harmony. Incredible! But how do you know if it's an original or just a copy?
"You are probably thinking that there has to be some competent people around to judge if this is a real original," he said, as if he knew the question we are going to ask him. “Yes, there are professors at the academy, great professors, writers, and art experts. But think about the facts. Recently a famous painting attributed to an Italian artist, "La Gioconda" or "Mona Lisa" was presented. Some say it was made by Leonardo da Vinci. But not all experts are sure. If it is not possible to discern the technique of such a great and famous artist, how can one distinguish the work of a lesser known painter? ""
“And you have to remember,” continues our artist friend, “the name of the painter on the painting is largely the price. To illustrate, a great artist may not be recognized and therefore will not succeed. Suddenly her paintings are less popular in the market. "In contrast, artists who have received a lot of advertising have much higher prices."
It was all very interesting. Our next question was more specific. How do you decide if you want to buy a particular painting or not?
“First,” we learned, “you can look at the level of detail in the painting, which gives an idea of how much work went into completing it. You also need to wonder if this is the kind of art. that honors the great Creator. Does the theme itself exist in the sense that you love what you see and touch your emotions? Does this suit the environment you are counting on when you decide to buy, the price can vary from 50,000 to 500,000 lira. "
There were great artists during the Renaissance. We know. And today, some artists follow this way of painting in a certain way, which raises other questions. What considerations should we take into account the various modern trends that are so often present in the market? Why is it so often spoken with contempt?
"I'm glad you asked me that question," the artist replies with emotion in his voice. “Sometimes excessive prices are set only for color spots that disturb the eyes. How is that possible? There are speculators who create a wide range of art lovers. These traders are ready to choose anything for real money. With this, they popularize the pseudo-artists who enter the painting market with monstrous presentations that distort reality and insult the viewer. "
But he can not help but feel that someone must love him when his paintings are sold in such large quantities. So we asked our friend about modern painting schools. Are they recognized as real merits? Have you contributed to the art of painting?
"For a quick review," replies our artist, "let me quote the French Impressionists and also the Tuscan Impressionists (1800-1900). They were groups that tried to break with the schematic and mannerist traditions of the 18th century classical period and expand in the following century. Then there are the modern forms of impressionism, as well as futurists, abstractionists, cubists, surrealists and essentialists. Everyone has their students and sales people who, to say the least, have a very strong vision of what is good and what is bad in art. "
Our friend summed up the discussion very well and said: “Think of your goal when you buy a painting. Do you want to buy a frame just like an investment? Then buy one, as ugly as it is, that has references from a famous artist. But if you want to decorate your home, think about the rest of the room. Buy one that you can live with day after day. It is not advertising or signature that makes this painting important to you. The work must be meaningful. This should make you reflect on some aspects of Jehovah's creation and fill your mind and heart with gratitude for his love and kindness.