Manage Bitcoin Cash (BCH) on the go with a Blockchain Wallet

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Two of the most popular cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash, are now supported by the same Blockchain Wallet service! You can now manage your Bitcoin Cash (BCH) using your favorite mobile device device with the new Blockchain Wallet app. This news comes just days after the Bitcoin Cash hard fork, which took place on August 1st, 2018 at 12:20 UTC.

How do I get started?

Don’t worry, it’s a simple process! To start using Bitcoin Cash in your Android app, simply tap on Receive on your wallet dashboard. You will be prompted to add a new address. Once you select which coins you want to receive at that address and tap Create New Address, you will be given an address you can use to send and receive BCH. Once someone sends BCH to that address, your balance will automatically update! You can also create additional addresses by tapping Receive and then tapping Create New Address. If you ever need to find a specific transaction or check your current balance, just tap on Transactions or Balance under Overview on your wallet dashboard.

How do I add BCH?

Follow these instructions to add Bitcoin Cash to your wallet: Tap on + in the bottom right corner. Select Add Coin and select Bitcoin Cash (BCH). Enter amount, BCH address, and scan QR code. Once you confirm a Bitcoin Cash wallet has been added, you will see your balance. In order to send BCH from your device, tap on Receive -> Scan QR Code -> Confirm Receiving Address -> Send FundsFundsunds.. It’s important to note that any balances added to your app do not need to be immediately used. If you want to hold funds or are waiting for another transaction to clear, just tap Notify me when adding funds so you know when they arrive. You can also use Watch only mode where addresses can be tracked but no funds can be spent without entering a PIN number at first setup.

How do I withdraw BCH?

First, you’ll need to open a new wallet that supports BCH by going to Settings > Wallets > Add your first wallet. Select Bitcoin Cash as your currency. Next, go to History and select Withdrawals under Coin Selection in order to select your BCH address. You can now send your BCH coins from any exchange or personal wallet directly into your Blockchain Wallet. How do I sell my BCH?: To sell your BCH for BTC, ETH, or USD, simply enter an amount of desired currencies in your Blockchain Wallet then click Sell on your desired currency pair on the left hand side menu under Exchange. Next choose how much cryptocurrency you want to buy with it then click Buy Bitcoin at bottom right corner of screen. This will take you to Coinbase where you must login to proceed with purchase.

How can I check my BCH balance?

Using your 12-word recovery phrase, click on View Recovery Phrase in your wallet. This will display a page that contains all of your addresses and balances. You can easily see if you have any BCH at a glance. Where can I send or spend my BCH?: Clicking on one of your BCH addresses will bring up an Address Actions menu where you can toggle whether you want to create a new transaction from that address or view existing transactions from it. If you create a new transaction, a separate tab will open where you can enter details about who is receiving funds and how much they are receiving.

Is there any difference between this app and the web wallet?

This is a web-based wallet, so you will be able to use it from any internet connected device. Having said that, we wanted to offer an option for people who wanted to use their mobile device as well. Many of our users have asked for a way to use our wallet on their phone and we are excited about being able to give them that option. As soon as you link your account with Ledger or TREZOR, then it becomes available. If they don’t have a hardware wallet they can still download the Simple Bitcoin version of the blockchain app, then go through the full security setup process before linking to the hardware wallet to enable bitcoin cash functionality.

If I already have a Blockchain wallet, do I need to create another one to manage my bitcoin cash?

No, you don’t need to create a new wallet. When we initially launched bitcoin cash support, users with existing wallets were given bitcoin cash. If you had a wallet before August 1, 2017 and want to access your BCH from that address, no action is needed; your funds are still accessible. To manage your BCH after August 1, download our latest mobile app for iOS or Android and log in with your existing credentials. You can also use any of our non-mobile apps including MetaMask and Mycelium Gear by scanning a QR code using your device’s camera. You will see all of your bitcoin cash balances on supported blockchains under Bitcoin Cash in your dashboard on supported versions of those apps.

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