Morning inspiration poem

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  • Welcome Your Day

    I go to bed thinking of what to do the next day,

    A constant thought that keeps me at bay.

    Rises the sun and reminds me of my duty,

    For the day ahead I fail to see the beauty.

    Life will be so much more wonderful,

    If you are not so .

  • Another day has come

    Another day has come,

    With giving you a new hope,

    Another day has come,

    With giving you a new scope,

    Plan ahead and make your day,

    Get going to have your say,

    This day will be good for you.

    A day for you

    It is important to start your day with a smile,

    Look outside the window for a while,

    Look at the clear blue sky,

    The birds are also flying high,

    So, freshen up a bit for today,

    As its start of a bright day.Look at this day

    Look the day is so bright,

    To make you feel alright,

    Have you read the paper today?

    Had your tea cup for the day?

    So be prepared for this wonderful day,

    Where you would find all happiness and gay.

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