Bitcoin mining as a system doesn't need any much analytical explanation today due to it's wide spread amongst our locality, but only few understand what Bitcoin mining really means.
So to begin, Bitcoin mining is a blockchain process use to verify Bitcoin transactions in order to disallow the sales or giving out of an agreed amount of Bitcoin in multiple system. Bitcoin mining many will say is a mathematical analysis, but believe me when I say it's more of a guess work and has to do with hexadecimal input. What makes it harder than it sound is due to the fact that only one of many miners will be given out token for a correct hexadecimal, and that's when the principle of speed is required because only the first miner with the correct hexadecimal line will be reserved for token, I used the word reserved because it's still a little bit sore that sometimes miners don't get paid even after getting the right strings of hexa.
Hear me out, I'm not by any chance discouraging investors not to partake of mining, Im only giving a clear background of how it all works. That will take us to the mechanical part of the system, mining has to do with speed so, most miners make us of devices in mining and the most viral machine for that is the Antaminer, it's quite reliable and comes in various series. That's all I can tell for now.