Medicinal plants

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3 years ago

There are all kinds of plants in our environment. In daily life we ​​use these plants and their products in many ways.

We depend on huge vegetation to meet all the needs of life including food, clothing, shelter, education and medical care. We have gained a lot of experience in this regard so far. We have seen or heard that a few drops of honey mixed with basil leaf juice is given at home, especially when children have a cold or cough. This relieves their cold-cough and they get relief. If any part of the body is suddenly cut off, the leaves of the marigold or the grass should be washed thoroughly and the wound should be applied on the wound with a sledgehammer and the bleeding should stop immediately.

In two-three days, the wound dries and the rage heals. Thus the plants in the environment that are used to relieve or cure our rage are called medicinal plants.

Identification of medicinal plants

Our country was once rich in medicinal plants. Fields, ghats, deserts, forests were full of innumerable medicinal plants. At present, due to population growth, multiple uses of land have increased. In addition, due to ignorance, neglect and carelessness, the main source of these medicinal plants, the natural source forest, has been depleted and these valuable tree resources have been depleted. In the meantime, many species have become extinctAgricultural education

Gone. There are still enough medicinal plants all over our country. We do not know them. We don't even have a clue about their use and quality. We need to be able to identify these surrounding medicinal plants and be aware of their uses and properties. As a result, we will be able to play a major role in curing the anger of our people.

Medicinal plants and their uses

The common people of our country have been using different types of plants to alleviate the disease since ancient times

Being benefited by. These plants are called medicinal or herbal plants because they are used as medicine. 1. The following is a discussion of the introduction and use of some medicinal plants. 1. Thankuni: Thankuni is a small creeping herbaceous plant. From each episode it grows roots below and branches and leaves above. The leaves are alternate, according to the simple kidney. Useful parts: All plant uses: Thank you for curing stomach ailments in boys and girls, especially indigestion and diarrhea.

Used too much. Besides, thankuni is a life-enhancer, a memory-enhancer, an anticoagulant, an antiseptic.

2. Tulsi: Tulsi is a well-known herbaceous plant. It is usually 30 cm to 1 m high

Happens. The leaves are simple, opposite, ovate, fragrant. Flowers and fruits in winter. Useful parts: Leaf use: Basil leaf juice is very useful for common cold and cough. Six children are fed ginger juice and honey mixed with basil leaf juice.

3. Kalamegh: This is a small herbaceous plant. Usually 20 cm to 1 m high, straight, facing, somewhat longer type. The leaves are bitter. Flowers and fruits from the end of the monsoon to winter.

Is. Leaves

Good medicine.

The juice plays

Flowers and fruits

Uses: All trees, especially the leaves Uses: Six boys and girls have a very high juice for fever, indigestion and liver failure.

4. Bask: Shrub. The leaves are simple, opposite, oblong.

Useful part: Leaf extract Usage: It is more used to cure cough. Basak leaves with equal amount of ginger juice and honey

Is effective.

5. Snake odor: Snake odor is a perennial herb. Each episode usually has 3 leaves. In the rain

Is. The fruit is black when ripe.

Uses: Root or fruit juice

Uses: Snake root or fruit juice is used for high blood pressure. It is also used in the treatment of insanity.

. Arjuna: Arjuna is a medium to large tree. The stems tend to be simple, well developed, smooth and attractive. The bark is easily removed from the tree. The leaves are simple, long, ovate. Flowers yellowish miniature, fierce


Useful parts: leaves, bark, fruits and wood

Use. Raw leaf juice does not cure diarrhea. In fact, it is better to take it in the morning with its juice, sugar and milk. If there is Niall, it is beneficial to use Arjun's skin. Umama and Ash are angry at drinking school juice. Mix it with honey and apply it on the face. . Greenery? Arboreal The leaves are simple, monotonous, leafy, compact. ** Pesh and Thoth

Blood diarrhea is cured by mixing Arjuna's bark with powdered milk. Ajuner Ale Midhi Ra

Is. The fruit is oblong to light grooved.

Useful parts: fruit and wood

Uses: Chlorophyll is one of the fruits of Ayurvedic medicine. A little treasure by crushing the green fruit

Hemorrhoids are cured by taking it mixed. If you fill a green pipe with powdered chrysanthemums and add water

Is relieved. In that corner, if you mix butter with green burnt ash, or girl. Ripe fruits are useful for anemia, bile, heart disease, gout and sore throat. The fruit is used to relieve anger. Chlorophyll strengthens, vitality enhances and anti-aging.

When you use chlorophyll powder with sugar and water, your eyes light up. Kacha la amash enang

. Mango: A medium sized tree. The leaves are compound, the petioles reversed. The flowers are six, all yellow. The fruit is juicy, fleshy, green, glabrous, mouth-watering and delicious. Flowers from March to May


Uses: Fruits

Uses: Mango leaf juice is an antidote and tonic for diarrhea. Fruits are rich in vitamin C and mango fruit mixed with trefoil can cause anemia, jaundice, skin diseases, diabetes, hair

Trifle is a fruit. Fruit juice is especially useful in liver, stomach ailments, indigestion, digestion and cough.

Reading, etc. are relieved of the disease.

9. Behera: It is a branched arboreal plant. Leaves single, shoots long. Flowers greenish white, ovate. The result is a seed. The fruits are glabrous or slightly elongated. Usage: Behera is one of the fruits of Trifler. Seed shas (like nuts) for two hours each

Uses: Fruits

Chewing arms and chewing twice a day cures asthma. Behera powder is beneficial to play with water in the morning and afternoon. The fruit is useful for stomach ache, hemorrhoids, constipation, diarrhea and hey. Good medicine for heart, lung, nose, throat and indigestion. The oil obtained from the seeds keeps the head cool and stops hair fall.

Agricultural production

10. Aloe vera: Herbaceous plant. The leaves are long, the edges are grooved, juicy. Usage: Dense slippery sap from the leaves.

Usage: Dense slippery juice extracted from the leaves is an effective medicine for constipation. It is effective in treating anorexia, jaundice, leukemia, hemorrhoids, cuts and burns. Decoration

The quality of the decoration is improved by the mixture of the products.

11. Telakucha: It is a herbaceous plant in Latana. This tree is seen growing on its own in the forest


Useful parts: stems and leaves

Uses: The stems and leaves of this plant are widely used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Its extract is used to treat colds, fevers, hapani and epilepsy. Its leaves are butter in the skin

The coating is quite beautiful ❣️❣️❣️❣️

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3 years ago


OMG!!!! What a “Nothing Burger” for a plan. Weak throne speech and 6 weeks wasted. I have NO CONFIDENCE in your Liberal Party what so ever!!! Where’s your COVID strategy? where’s your economic recovery? Where you healthcare aid to the provinces? ain’t in your throne speech and I don’t even think your party even considered these topics!!! Ugh!! Time to change parties 😢😢😢😤

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thakn for deyar.. you kan Be Suppet. and nice to me it good dear. carry on

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3 years ago

Stroke এর নাম শুনলেই আমাদের মাথায় প্রথমে যে জিনিসটা আসে সেটা হলো এইটা একটা বয়স্ক মানুষের রোগ কিন্তু #Stroke অল্প বয়স্ক মানুষেরও হতে পারে।

আর অল্প বয়স্ক মানুষের ক্ষেত্রে #Stroke এর একটি Common Cause #Polycystic_Kidney_Disease

✅ কিভাবে? 🤔

Polycystic kidney disease কিডনীর একটা জেনেটিক ডিজিজ যেখানে PKD1 এবং PKD2 জিন মিউটেশনের কারণে কিডনীতে অনেকগুলো Cyst তৈরী হয়। এই জিন দুটি encode করে #Polycystin প্রোটিন। ধারণা করা হয়, এই Polycystin প্রোটিন Brain blood vessel এর integrity মেইনটেইন করে। এখন জিন দুটির মিউটেশন হলে #Polycystin তৈরী হয় না ফলে Brain blood vessel এর স্ট্রাকচার নষ্ট হয়। এতে Brain এর blood vessel এ একটা বেলুনের মতো থলে তৈরী হয় যাকে বলে #Berry_Aneurysm

এই #Berry_Aneurysm rupture হলে Haemorrhage হয় যা থেকে হতে পারে #Haemorrhagic_Stroke

ভুল হলে ক্ষমাপ্রার্থী।

Md Shariful Islam SBMC 15-16

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3 years ago

Thank you! You are doing amazing things for people. UBI seems to be the way to go. Imagine what we could do together as a nation if everyone’s basic needs were met. Food, shelter, health care and education should not be privileges.

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3 years ago