How to get your life back to happiness: 11 Best questions to ask yourself

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Experiences

I will share eleven questions in this article that you should ask yourself today, which will change your outlook and show you how to get happiness back in your life by concentrating on the right things.

11 Best Questions for Asking Yourself

You should ask yourself eleven easy questions today that will inspire you to search for the positive in life, things that are already working in your life now, and will help you appreciate them for their gain and meaning and remember them. By concentrating on the right things, these questions will teach you how to get happiness back in your life.

These aspects are often ignored and left forgotten in the turmoil of daily life as life gets busy or when unexpected misfortunes occur. Take the time below to answer these questions and feel how much you would be grateful for right now. This will help change your focus by searching wherever you are for what is rewarding, instead of what is missing, incomplete, or not working. Let's hop in now!

Question 1: Who are the people in my life that I feel fortunate to have met?

This may be a member of the family, a friend, a teacher or mentor, or even a new acquaintance who, in one way or another, has helped you. When you take the time to name them one by one, experience the appreciation of having drawn them into your life and the appreciation of the special being they are to you. This may be someone you've met in person or online who has given you something of value or taught you and helped you become a better person.

Question 2: Right now, what items do I have that make my life comfortable?

Right now, look around you and remember what brings warmth wherever you are. This could be the smallest things like the bed you were sleeping in last night, the roof over your head, the soothing bath you had this morning, or the meals that satisfied your stomach.

Up to the things you once wished that you now appreciate, such as a fast internet connection, your access to a wide variety of goods and services around the world, the convenience of connecting with others regardless of distance, and the range of avenues open to you for fun and entertainment.

Question 3: What attributes or abilities have I built over time that I feel proud to have now?

This may be characteristics you have mastered, such as compassion or generosity, and it has become the quality that people like about you. Or it could be your cleanliness or outstanding organizing ability that you're just proud to be good at. Or it may be because you're a good listener and friends are comfortable sharing stories with you, that you're funny and enjoyable to be around because you're really lighthearted and don't take things that far too seriously, or because you're an enthusiastic learner and in many aspects of life you really enjoy improving yourself. These qualities are very important to have, but for what they're worth, they are sometimes not given enough credit.

Question 4: In my life, what interactions did I have that made me better than I was before?

These are encounters that you have had in the past that make you feel grateful for the valuable lessons and knowledge that they have offered you. Recognizing them will help you to see in a positive light your experiences and the "blessings in disguise" present in those seeming inconsistencies in life. This could be the past relationships that have ended but made you love yourself even more or a missed chance at work that finally led you to discover what you really wanted in life to try.

Question 5: What are the things that I like and love to do that I can do, daily or occasionally?

What things make you feel relaxed and enthusiastic when you do them, and what are you able to do from time to time, and free to do? Maybe it's reading your favorite author's book, watching movies you like, trying out your favorite celebrity chef's latest recipe, buying a new outfit for yourself, or just laughing out loud over a cup of coffee with your mates. These may be easy but meaningful tasks you can do from the comfort of your home, or from time to time alongside other individuals.

Question 6: What are my wishes, big or small, that I already live right now in the past?

At one point in your life, these are impulses that you want that have already manifested for you. It's time to look back and recall the stuff that you once wanted in the past that you still own today.

Maybe a desire to take a cooking or art class, or your desire to start a blog of your own, or to develop your self-confidence and communication skills. It could open your first savings account or start your diet program as well. This could be any baby phase you've already done for yourself or have ticked off on your wish list successfully.

Question 7: What special stuff do I like about me?

What character trait or skill do you most like about yourself? What uniquely makes you who you are? Perhaps having a really special laugh that many find amusing and contagious, or having a great memory that you find it very easy to remember data, or even good at analyzing directions and navigating the road, especially in new places. Look within yourself for these features, and feel your self-love and self-esteem rise as you accept your own secret genius.

Question 8: What was it today that made me smile or laugh?

Think of three things today that have made you feel good. It could be a friend's Facebook post that made you laugh so hard, a very cute baby on your Instagram feed, a surprise call or message from a distant relative you haven't spoken to for a while, or just the warm and comfortable weather that you're relaxing at home today. Note these little things that are worth feeling thankful for today around you.

Question 9: What things have worked out this week for me?

These are things that have gone smoothly and successfully for you at home or work. Your laundry was done on time, verify. Your weekly cleaning of the house, check. Requirements for a certain project already submitted, review. Groceries finished and completed for the week, check. And when you find all the things working out, you can vibrate for achievement and gratitude more and more. With great success, this will generate more good things coming to you as well.

Question 10: What kind of help, tangible or intangible, have I given anyone?

What good stuff did you do for somebody else? Providing helpful advice to a friend in need, helping a co-worker on a certain project you have some knowledge of, providing guidance to a stranger who is new to the city, offering food to a homeless child, donating your old clothes to charity, or even just giving your mom a helping hand as she does household chores. Notice that you are also giving yourself that positive energy as you offer help and kindness to someone else.

Question 11: In general, what do I appreciate about life?

This last question will allow you to look at things that feel good about being alive, here and now, from a wider perspective of your life and take note. These can include the most general things, such as the sun coming up this morning, your heart beating continuously, nature growing continuously to support life, or your body functioning and doing well effortlessly without your supervision. Notice all this magic in life, and at this time, feel how blessed and worthy you are to be alive.


Big or small, your every answer to these questions is counted, and each adds up to the blessings that pile up for you on an ongoing basis. In time, knowing how to get happiness back in your life will be easy for you whenever you fall back into thinking about unhappiness.

What you concentrate on evolves. So make it your daily habit to focus on the good that is already in your life on an ongoing basis and watch it grow to even larger, bigger things. And you will gradually lean towards looking for the good in life in time for Psychology Articles and always seeing your world in a positive light.

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Experiences


Thank you for this wonderful article. Sometimes happiness left us or we chose to, we forgot what happiness really means and how to be one.

And what you wrote help us if ever. We have to focus on what matters. What gave us that happiness. What truly matters. That appreciating what we have and focusing on to it give that positive vibes and from there on when it became our habit everything will be better and we become a better version of ourselves as well. Cheers

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3 years ago

Yes. Because you are more than what you think you are.

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3 years ago