The object is not something that we have come to do here. We are here to continue the process of expanding who we are, of being. Life is about discovering new parts of ourselves and experiencing them. It is about expanding.
Make it a priority to discover who you want to be rather than concentrate on what you want to do in this vein. Before we can decide what we want to do, what we should think, and what we want to have and not the other way around, we must know who we are first.
The true reason for us being here is to fulfill our mission, as I see it and it is a lifelong (many lifelong) effort. The object is not something that we have come to do here. We are here to continue the process of expanding who we are, of being. Life is about discovering new parts of ourselves and experiencing them. It is about expanding.
Make it a priority to discover who you want to be rather than concentrate on what you want to do in this vein. Before we can decide what we want to do, what we should think, and what we want to have and not the other way around, we must know who we are first.
Yet most of us did it the other way around and are still doing it. It's what they taught us to do. We leap in and think stuff, believe stuff, do stuff, get stuff, all based on what others tell us to think, believe, try, have, without ever trying to find out if all the stuff we make is even a match for who we want to be! Rather than deciding first who we want to be and then letting that determine our experiences, we let our experiences define who we are. We manifest by nature, in other words. "We draw willy-nilly things and then think, "How come this is going to happen to me? Why don't I feel happy? ”
In the real, deeper spiritual sense, rather than in the mere human sense, wholeness and happiness is a state of being rather than anything we can search and find outside of ourselves. When we try to seek something in order to feel happy, it just doesn’t work. Like attracts like by natural law. Unhappiness, regardless of what we tell ourselves, attracts more unhappiness. If you don't already have, you can't attract. "That's why, while you may be yelling at the rooftops, "I'm going to attract more cash! You can not attract them unless you are satisfied with who you are first, whether you have money or not.
If you are uncertain of who you want to be, you may want to start by making a list of attributes that you want to attract rather than a list of items to have. Which adjectives do you describe? Do they conform to how you would like to describe yourself?
If not, instead how would you like to be described? At your 100th birthday bash, how would you like people to identify you? What are your principles at present? Do they suit who you want to be with, or do you have to throw some of them out and put others in? When you go through this lovely life, how would you like to feel? Also, add those to the list.
You are on your way to being a conscious creator rather than a default creator when you have more clarity about who you would like to be as a human. You can naturally attract objects and experiences that are a match for that nature by understanding who you are. You will stop at the same time (and most significantly) attracting something that isn't you.
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Life is fleeting. And in this fleeting life we have to do something so that even after death everyone remembers us.