Make_up lasts a while but orignality endures.Skin deep beauty wahes away with time but ur true self is long lasting .So never go for momentary benefits always go for a beauty which is for ever and that is truth.Love of truth enables u to be an integrel part of whole which is eternel truth.
Go for the seeds which are persistent. Which will stay along you for the rest of your life. Which you would be proud of and praised for.
Momentary things sooner or later fade away and you are left with embarrassment only. The real charm is in having a heap of good deeds instead of having a beautiful face. Go for the heart. Go for it's purity, dignity, righteousness, tenderness, mercy, adaptation. ♥ ♥️
As a drop when falls into ocean it is no more a drop it is an Ocean . So be a member of virtuous community so that u r counted among righteous. ♥ ♥️
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