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3 years ago

"A clever one sleeps, a fool never."

Stupidity is usually treated like this - that it is something innate, with which nothing can be done. For the Orthodox consciousness, stupidity is rather the choice of the person himself to be "flat":

Is there a metaphysical reason for stupidity?

This question isn't as simple because it seems initially glance. we will not say that the oak is some kind of stupid; we sometimes endow our smaller brothers with some human properties, but still, you see, stupidity is a human property. Man himself is just a metaphysical being, that is, man is not reduced only to physics, to physiology, to the natural principle. Moreover, what makes us human, makes us human, is precisely what is higher than this physiology in us. Because it is not the hands and feet, not the womb that makes us human, but what we call the soul - the ability to love, believe, hope, the ability to think. And this metaphysical side of man, as I said, makes a man a man. So what is nonsense? It seems to me, stupidity is when a person reduces himself only to the natural principle, to physiology, when he does not realize his depth, or I would say so - height when he lives very superficially- then he often becomes a stupid creature.

Stupidity, the reason for stupidity - is it an accident, or is there some reason? I think so: of course, nothing in this world is accidental, and in many ways, a person is responsible for himself. None of us are born into this world knowingly smart or stupid. One way or another, we become this or that. This is a consequence of our choices, a consequence of our actions, starting, probably, from early childhood. It is quite obvious that if a person listens to pop music, he is unlikely to become smart. And if he listens to the music of modern singers then, most likely, he will not only develop aesthetically but that depth, that beauty that he can touch, will make him smarter. And this applies to so many things, all our actions. Therefore, I think that, of course, there are reasons, and these reasons are within each of us.

My definition of a fool is

A fool- a person whose actions are useless or harmful to themselves and often for others. Anything can be harmful, including the loss of money, belongings, reputation, health, and even life.

But why did I decide that all people are fools? There are two reasons.

  • First reason: there are no people who are always smart, or vice versa - those who are always fools. Man is a dynamic being: we are characterized by illogical actions, contradictions, thoughtless and spontaneous behavior, and inspiration. It happens like this: someone is considered very smart, and then suddenly bam - and will do something stupid; or, despite his intelligence, he blinks when a rogue twists him around his finger. This happens often, especially if a person suddenly begins to think not with his head, but with some other organ. Have you noticed it? I, for example, observe all the time. On my own too. So at one time you are smart, at another, you are a fool, and at the third, you are a simpleton.

  • Second reason: the mind is not a universal concept. It happens that a person is clever in one thing, and a fool in another. Let's say a certain scientist in his specialty is almost a genius, but outside of it, he is a complete fool. Don't believe me? Go to any university, there are such a dime a dozen. Here's an example: I have a professor I know, the smartest person in science, but he barely uses a computer, and he doesn't even know how to send SMS on his phone. Isn't it strange? Another example: a great many men and women with academic degrees profess "progressive" and liberal-socialist ideas, not understanding and not even wanting to understand what harm this will bring to society, and therefore to themselves, their children and grandchildren

The mind, the ability to think, the ability to be inquisitive, to be interested in life, the secret life - this is a certain gift that everyone has. But not everyone develops it.

What stupidity a person commits when he lies. Everyone believes him, believes the deception. It is necessary to explain to these people that this is very bad, this is all fear about rash actions. these people need to understand that when they tell the truth, it will be very bad for them! The worst thing about a person is his pride. This person loves to talk a lot about himself, proud people do not listen to other people, they only listen to themselves. To avoid this, you need to listen to the opinions of other people. ponder over the actions. Idleness, fear, greed, curl, anger, cunning, these are all very bad qualities from them there will never be a shame. Such people need to be taught.

Sloppiness comes to illegibility, to a bad look. You need to be nice people, and people will be with such a person more in common.

Never consider childish acts as foolish acts. They are occasional and do for fun with children.

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