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4 years ago

All the mafias r hyper active now.Whenever there is some calamity or any other natural disaster these ugly monsters become extremely hyper.To name a few drug sugar flour private hospitals petrol r all minting moolah recklessly.They fear none.They throw all scruples to wind.They do business on the dead bodies of helpless souls.Govt.seems to be a silent spectators.No amount of sermonising pulpiteering admonishing exhorting can prick the dormant conscious of these death dealers and merchants.They aspire and relish more and more worldly gains encroaching upon all boundaries of decency and humanism.

Trascending all norms of civility mannerisms and sobriety.Loot plunder avarice r in their blood.Unless they r seen hanging in public square no change will occur.But who will bell the cat.When highly professionals or educated themselves r accomplice in execution of such abominable designs who else will come to our rescue.Laws r there but no implementation Bec law enforcers seem to be perpetrators.

It is likened to a Doomsday scenario.Almost every hour a breaking news beams on tv screen about some mafia involved in heinous crime .There is no let up in intensity it all is rather in full swing.Blue collard r safe but white collared r in hot water.Whom to turn to when custodians of honour property and life have turned their back on us.Divine forces r active in settling score but earthly gods r adamant haughty and ruthless.Ultimately nature will take its course to annihilate these evil forces.And that will be the end of time which is not in the offing.Sooner or later death will level us all.

May we not encounter that end.

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4 years ago


well written

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4 years ago