Love is the most beautiful feeling that humanity can know. It is a pure and sweet feeling, whose arrow strikes the heart by surprise, without asking permission or knocking on the door warning to enter, and when a person falls in love; For this delicate and noble feeling will possess it, and it becomes the precluding command; How we feel about the beloved, how we feel about the people and life around us; If we find interest and comfort in love, our feeling will fly to the highest point of feeling; We smile to those we see, and we meet loved ones with affection and constant refreshment, and if love torments the heart and distancing the beloved from the paths, the world becomes hell, for his hidden power is rooted in our bodies and our feelings, and love has many stages such as passion, love, passion, air, love, and others, and others. We'll cover several concepts of love.
The concept of the word love
Love is a feeling of affection and affective tendency towards someone, and attachment to him is the limit of the desire to stay with him for life, sharing his worries, joys, and his reflections on life, and all the details related to him, feeling a burning sensation when he is absent, and when he meets, the universe becomes dancing, and everything Beautiful and fine if not; Love makes a person see life through the eyes of the beloved. He has a choice in happiness or misery.
Love in language
As for the linguistic concept of love, It is said that the feeling of love was named after the word “love”, which means the origin and essence of something. And the human heart is the center of the body and the basis of his life, as the feeling of love is associated with it, so we see lovers who are masters in making the shapes of the hearts of love with their hands to present them to those they love. The heart is where love is and its safe hide.
Love among philosophers and some writers
As for love, for some philosophers such as Plato, it is a feeling that has no interests or goals and is not tainted by any lust; So we hear someone saying to a friend who loved deeply: “Your love is a platonic love,” meaning that it is close to idealism. As for the literati poets and writers, they went to different doctrines in describing love, such as the English writer William Shakespeare who said that love is blind and the lover cannot see the truth of his actions when he is possessed of feeling Love, while Ali Murad talked about a woman’s behavioral condition if she fell in love. He said: “If the woman loved her, she did a lot, and she spoke a little.”
A powerful force
Love is a tremendous force, an energy that moves life. Even the ancient Greeks identified two mutually exclusive components of the world - Eros (love) and Thanatos (death). They believed that human life is determined by these two poles. The power of love can be directed towards creation and destruction. Why love as an initially harmonious feeling can give a person the strength to live and at the same time make his life unbearable? Do we understand love correctly? Do we sometimes confuse it with destructive passions? Are we hiding from her through manipulation, lies, and violence?
A principle for a better world
Love is, first of all, the organizing principle of the world, its foundation. When a person perceives himself as a particle of love, he is more open and natural. He is deeper, more attentive to reality, and his inner world. Only in love does a person find himself. By its nature, love is alien to conflict, destruction. In world literature, there are many examples of how love transformed the life of lovers, helped them to accomplish the impossible.
The power of love cannot be denied. But only conscious, harmonious love can fill a person with true strength. Love reveals only what is already inherent in a person. The power of love lies in creation, transformation, mercy. Love is, first of all, unity. In unity, man gains strength, re-opens himself. The mystery of love, its incomprehensible mystery lies in the highest spiritual self-giving, but it is through this self-giving that a person acquires great strength.
Yes yes its true... 😊