Allah always bless those who confess then never transgress even they are oppressed. They stumble but not grumble.
God ordains we bargain.God exhorts we extort.God admonishes we fumble.God disposes man proposes.God reveals what we conceal.God forbids before we go amiss.God heeds when we plead.God makes what we break.God selects we elect.God transcends we r cacooned.God is all love and care.But we can't rise above the petty affairs.God is sustainer we r not even petty retainer.
We are no match to Almighty Allah but we should have some of His Attributes. As we are the superior most specie. We do justice, we love other, we help other, we take care of other, we listen to other, we assure their security etc, these all attributes are their in Almighty but in a very gigantic amount, we only have a minute tiny nity piece of it. ♥ ♥️
nice article.... plz back