Letter to my future self when she is 30 years.

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2 years ago

Dear Me Right Now,

Hey, what’s up? Hello? How are you? I hope this letter finds you doing well.

Where are you working? Are you happy with where you are now? Do you love what you are doing? I hope you do because I have worked so hard for you to get there.

I hope you still remember me, I hope you kept some parts of me, I know you will because I know you like looking back at the things you are today. Are you still a good cook? Do you still experiment in the kitchen and create new dishes? Do you still read a lot books? Do you still write? Do you still write at night because your brain is most active at that time? I hope you do, because writing is your best defense mechanism. I hope you haven't failed, because so far I haven't.

You may be wondering why I'm asking you all of these but this is me reminding you of who you are 6 years before, reminding you of your 30 year old self that is full of dreams to reach,in school and graduating from the University with a First class degree. The you who is afraid of the future but still keeps her head high to face the unknown because she likes to discover new things. The you who is so unlucky when it comes to Love.The you who honestly has no idea how some people can bounce from one relationship to another in split of a second because for you it’s so hard to find someone you legitimately like. The girl who always gives her 150% because she likes winning but is able to accept failure because she knows that someone out there is better than her but as long as that person has not arose.The girl who makes sure that she is good at her craft,the girl who is caring and is so motherly, the girl who knows how to shift from playful to serious when the situation deems so.the girl who questions herself because she thinks she’s not doing it right. The girl who likes testing her limits. The girl who can go any length for her kids and her loved ones. The girl who is so unfortunate to not have a Love life.

I hope your dreams have come true,that you've lived life to the fullest, gained so much wisdom and made the most of each day as you tried to when you were younger.

I hope you're embracing feeling vulnerable, pursuing your passion, making connections, tending to relationships, looking for adventures and feeling fulfilled.

I hope you've let go of trivia things that bother you about yourself, but find joy in the little things that have truly meant so much in life and being grateful for everyone who stayed in your life because the truly love you.

I hope you have confronted your inner fears, smashed your insecurities,let go of your inner doubts, I hope you've embraced your inner strength,rise up in spite of the things around you,not let your dreams die because they are what make you unique, committed your will,flourished in your ability to positively impact others.

I hope you aren't afraid of new challenge, finding out what the world thinks about you, and instead actively sought out others thoughts and incorporated them into the weave of your life's blanket.

I hope that you never forget to breathe when things get rough; I hope that you don’t make the same mistakes that I did today, go ahead and make new ones so you can learn. I hope that you still quickly pick yourself up when you fall, I hope that still know the difference between what can be salvaged to something so toxic.

I hope you have become the proverbs 31 woman, giving to the world a new outlook on life, treated people and the world with respect and kindness, and an effective prayer warrior woman who prays to remove mountains from the paths of her family and others, and have created an impact that others can look towards.

And to also feel confident that you've tried your best to be the best mom, despite a constant weight of "mom-guilt",worry and trepidation that you carried, you have realized that you were just the mom your children needed.

I hope you are considering things you wish you would have told your younger self,and sharing that advice with your family, friends, pursuing justice and give a voice to those who may not have one.

I hope you continue to have a desire to learn and grow,to never stop contemplating how you can be a better version of yourself and help others see what they cannot.

Stay strong, please don’t let other people’s opinion get into your skin ever again, we both know what happened when I let that happen. You will not let people put you down, if you are there,then you have the qualifications to be there, don't let someone else's insecurities become your own. Please never forget to smile and pray, enjoy the now and love the people around you.

Travel because that’s what I’ve been planning for you, to see places in the world you thought you wouldn't and make lasting memories with family and friends along the way.

I hope you've stayed steadfast in your faith, and trusted that he had you in his hands always.

See the beauty of the world and please don’t forget to love yourself because right now, I love me and you and I’m proud to call you and me as myself; I hope you are proud to call I and me as myself as well.

You will not allow yourself to become a failure because you were not meant to live a mediocre life.

Much Love,

Me from the past.

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2 years ago
