Bitcoin cash is child of btc

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Avatar for Mojiko-blogs
2 years ago

Bitcoin and Bitcoin cash are similar cryptography and it is clear from there names Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency to have ever been created and it is often known as digital gold or gold 2.0 the cryptocurrency is treated as a store of value and inflation hedge.

Bitcoin cash on the other hand is a digital cash which is the trying to insure that it is deep and it is easy to use as compared to Bitcoin. We can say that Bitcoin cash is the child of Bitcoin and Bitcoin cash was created in 2017. But after just few years in covid 19 it has flourished so much. I know that when I was new on read cash and I made account of Bitcoin wallet at that time the value of one bitcoin cash was 1400 which was the highest amount till now.Bch is hard fork of btc. Bitcoin cash is also following the same mechanism which is followed by Bitcoin and it is based on blockchain of cryptocurrencies. Bch was created hard fork of btc. A hard fork is a radical upgrade to the open sources software behind the blockchain of cryptocurrency like Bitcoin it occurs when a permanent divergence from a blockchains latest version is created and some of the computers running the network no longer meet consensus . This creates a fork on the blockchain where one side keep following the old rules while the next side set new rules. To understand all these complications we have to first explore the Bitcoin scaling debate.

Bitcoin scaling debate:

We all know that Bitcoin is a unique coin in cryptocurrency market and its popularity is increasing day by day it is known as the white spread global currency and it is floating around all the world. The cryptocurrency is decentralized and it is only due to the blockchain technology means we can say that there is no Central government or central authority which is controlling the prices of Bitcoin and Bitcoin cash this is one thing which is earning the trust of its invested and traders and people are showing their interest to trade in Bitcoin.

The Bitcoin blockchain in its current state manages to handle around 7 transactions per second so you can say that Bitcoin is unique coin and there is no coin who is beating the level of Bitcoin. One difference between Bitcoin and Bitcoin cash is the number of users we can say that the number of users on Bitcoin is more as compared to Bitcoin cash. The people who are working on Bitcoin are thinking that the there is no future for Bitcoin cash.

And the both of the currencies are good and they are properly secure with the help of blocks and technology means if you transact your money your data will undergo mathematical calculation.

The transactions on Bitcoin and Bitcoin cash are secured and those are verified that is the reason that everyone is eager to trade in these coins.

The price of Bitcoin is high while on the other hand the price of Bitcoin cash is low means we can say that if one person trade in Bitcoin he will face two conditions either he will get profit and that profit will be high or he will lose and that lose will also be high due to high influctuations in Bitcoin

But in Bitcoin cash the fluctuations are not so strong now so on both side either it is profit or lose it is not so prominent.

On may 23 2017 a number of Bitcoin business owners and miners representing over 85% of the computing powers securing the network held a meeting behind close doors to decide the future of Bitcoin where they have given Segwit2x.

We can say that the power of Bitcoin cash is low as compare to Bitcoin because the users and trade volume of Bitcoin is much more as compare to Bitcoin cash.

$ 0.04
$ 0.02 from @SuperJulalaine
$ 0.01 from @Kacy01
$ 0.01 from @MaritessNgBuhayMo
Avatar for Mojiko-blogs
2 years ago


Mojiko shout out. Hi, what is inflation hedge? What if...

The technology that Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash are currently developing can be use or buy by traditional stock businesses? Then trading stocks will also be auto pilot or in mathematical equations, or it is happening already?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really miss the bullish part of bch.. I hope the prise will rise soon..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes we can say that bitcoin cash is child of bitcoin because it has came from bitcoin

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes there are more users of Bitcoin as compare to Bitcoin cash but both are good for me

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It amazes me always anytime I learnt that Bitcoin cash once attained $1400. I wish it can happen again now😥

$ 0.00
2 years ago

BCH has great ups and downs I hope it would rise again

$ 0.00
2 years ago