Mammals ,dinosaur and extinction etc

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3 years ago

Mammals are the group of vertebrate animal which forms class mammalia .they have further or hair and a very precious kind of temperature regulations

With the excaption of monotrems all mammals bear like young they also produce milk from the young .parental care of the young is universal among mammals ,and it is essential because life birth liMits the number of offspring


The extinction at the end of the cretaceous were caused by one or more catatrpoics event such as massive asteroids; meterite impact or increase volcanic activity

Several impacts craters and massive volcanic activity , such as that I'm the decaen traps in india, have been dated to the fixed time of this event .this event may have to reduce sunlight and hindered photosynthesis leading to have massive disruption in earth ecology

Five animals which is dangerous for everyone.





Lemurs etc

This is the most dangerous for human also .

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3 years ago
