Dishonesty A Curse

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Avatar for Mohyuddin-Hamdoon
3 years ago

What is dishonesty? 

​​​​Dishonesty is your deceitful act which you don't want others to know. Whenever you feel like you don't want others to know about your act due to fear of being criticized, you're being dishonest

​Dishonesty a curse! 

Dishonesty causes the destruction of nations. It is contagious like a virus which slowly eats away your civilization. Corruption is the most common effect of dishonesty. It doesn't matter on which scale it is done, from a powerful politician to a small farmer, it does the same huge damage to your society. Once it sits on the roots of a nation, it is very difficult to remove. 

Today, corruption and dishonesty worries most of our nations and countries. 

​What can we do about it? 

​​​​We cannot correct whole nation at once. But we can start with ourselves and the people around us. Start being honest and then tell the people around you about the drastic effects of dishonesty. It really matters. 

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