Cancer free world

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How nice it seems? A cancer free world

But sadly, cancer is becoming more and more dangerous as the time is passing. Recently my uncle got diagnosed with cancer and he's in a really bad shape. I request you guys to pray for him. 

​What can we do? 

​​​​We can raise awareness about this fatal disease. Prevention is way better than treatment. This disease gets fatal in no time. So we should try to prevent this as much as we can. 

Here are some simple things you should do to avoid cancer. 

​​​​Alcohol and tobacco 

​Alcohol and tobacco consumption are one of the major causes of different types of cancer. So try to avoid these injurious things as much as you can

​Balanced diet

​Eat a balanced diet with a lot of fruits and vegetables in it. Avoid high fat and cholesterol foods. Keep a check on your diet to prevent cancer 

​Physical Activities 

​Do physical activities regularly like morning walk and other simple exercises. This strengthens your immune system and keeps you active. Make it a habit. 

​Timely diagnosis ​

Cancer is more curable and less harmful if diagnosed at early stage. So adults should regularly do the 'Screen Test' for cancer 

May we all stay safe from any kind of disease 

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