Escape from destiny towards destiny

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Avatar for Mohsine
2 years ago

A millionaire was deposited in a prison on a remote island in preparation for his execution, and because he is a millionaire, he decided to bribe the prison guard to smuggle him from the prison island by any means and at any cost.. The guard told him that the guard is very tight and that no one leaves the island except in one case, which is death!!

But the temptation of the promised millions made the guard invent a strange way to escape, and he told the millionaire as follows: “Listen, the only thing that comes out of the prison island without guard is the coffins of the dead.. They put them on a ship and they are transported with some guards to land to be buried in graves quickly with some simple rituals then they come back..

The coffins are transported daily at ten in the morning in the event that there are dead people, and the only solution is to throw yourself in one of the coffins with the dead person inside. Your disappearance will remain a mystery and it will not matter to both of us.. What do you think?! ..

The millionaire thought that it was a crazy plan, but it was still better than execution.. The important thing is that he agreed, and they agreed to infiltrate the coffin house and throw himself in the first coffin from the left.. If he was lucky and a death occurred..

The next day, with the usual prison break, the millionaire crept into the coffin house and found two coffins. At first, he was terrified at the idea of ​​lying with the dead in the coffin, but again the survival instinct triumphed, so he opened the coffin while he closed his eyes so as not to get frightened and threw himself over the dead inside and waited until he heard a voice The guards were about to transfer the coffins to the deck of the ship.. He began to sense the movement step by step. He raised the ship and felt its movement above the water and smelled the smell of the sea.. Until they reached land and the guards lowered the coffin and heard someone comment about the strange weight of this dead person, so he felt fear and tension.. And this tension faded when he heard a guard Another mocked the obese prisoners, so he rested a little..

Now he feels the descent of the coffin into the pit and the sound of sand scattering on its cover and the chatter of the guards is starting to subside little by little.. and now it is buried three meters deep with the body of a strange man and it is completely dark and breathing becomes harder with every passing minute..

It's okay.. he does not trust that guard, but he trusts his love for the promised millions

He is sure that he will come..Wait, he fidgets, breathing began to speed up and narrow..

The heat is suffocating.. it's okay for about ten minutes and then he will breathe freedom and see the light again.. he started coughing and another 10 minutes have passed.. the oxygen is about to run out.. and that guard hasn't come yet..

He heard a very distant voice.. His pulse quickened. It must be the guard.. Finally..! But the sound faded.. He felt a fit of hysteria sweeping over him.. Did the body move!! Pictures of his imagination that the dead smile sarcastically..! Remember that he has matches in his pocket.. He took out the matches to check his watch. There must still be time! He lit a match and some light came out despite the lack of oxygen. He brought the flame close to the clock.. More than forty-five minutes had passed!! He is panicking, occurred to him to see the face of the dead!

Turn around in terror and close the torch! To see the last thing he expected in life!! The very face of the guard.

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Avatar for Mohsine
2 years ago
