Testimonial ideas

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Avatar for Mohaa359
2 years ago

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<h1><strong class="editor-text-bold">Testimonial idea</strong></h1>

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<p>Self-esteem is one of the most complex topics in psychology. The word has positive and negative connotations depending on the person. Generally, people with low self-esteem tend to have trouble making decisions in life. They may also blame past failures on their own behavior. In contrast, people with high self-esteem have a better outlook on life. They understand that others helped them achieve their goals. High self-esteem is a powerful tool that can make a positive impact on your life.</p>

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<p>A healthy self-esteem allows you to make good decisions in life. People with low self-esteem tend to make rash decisions without considering the consequences. They may also blame past failures on their own behavior. In contrast, people with high self-esteem understand that they're capable of success. They act accordingly and take responsibility for their actions. No matter what situation you're in, a healthy self- esteem will help you make the best choices possible.</p>

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<p>Do not let past failures define you as a person. Many people with low self-esteem attribute their failures to their own behavior. They feel unworthy of success and unwilling to try again. In contrast, people with high self-esteem do not let past failures define them as people. They understand that past successes do not guarantee future success. However, having a positive attitude towards yourself allows you to bounce back from setbacks. High self-esteem lets you learn from your mistakes and move forward with confidence.</p>

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<p>It's important not to let others tell you what you think or feel about yourself. Many people with low self-esteem struggle with depression; they also blame themselves for past failures. In contrast, people with high self-esteem do not let others tell them what they think or feel about themselves. Instead, they learn to separate their feelings from the opinions of others. It's vital to positively affirm yourself when you feel good about yourself. Those who are unaffected by praise or criticism have a better mental outlook in life.</p>

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<p>A positive outlook towards yourself makes it easier to bounce back from failure and achieve your goals in life. Keep in mind that your behavior defines your capabilities; do not let past failures define you as a person. Rather, learn from your past experiences and take control of your emotions today! Positive thinking will help you make good decisions, regardless of whether or not others approve of you</p>

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<figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img src="https://wwwmoofarahcomhome.files.wordpress.com/2022/09/pexels-media-6475420-1664143097328.jpeg?w=683" alt="" class="wp-image-28"/></figure>

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Avatar for Mohaa359
2 years ago
