Bitcoin Cash is the people’s money and I am one of those people.

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3 years ago

The world hasn’t been good lately. I’m talking about the corruption in some countries where the governments control the money printing machine to print money for their own friends and themselves. I’m talking about the military suppressing and using live ammo to kill the civilians. I’m talking about imprisoning millions of civilians and starting a genocide just because these people look different.

How can humans be so cruel to other humans? I find it hard to understand but I have accepted that as the reality. The important question is, what can we ordinary people do if we are living under a tyrant and corrupted government? They have the weapons and we are just ordinary people with nothing.

To answer that question, we need to know what gives government power. The short answer is the money printing machine. With money, they can pay for the military and guns and weapons to harm other human beings. They can bribe corrupted folks to look the other way when necessary.

If you live in a country where the government is wonderful, then good for your generation. Your children and your grandchildren may not have the same luxury because given enough time, eventually sociopaths will take control over the government. This is guaranteed.

When you take away the government’s ability to print money, then you also take away their ability to harm the civilians. When that happens and the government wants to do something, they have to ask for monetary support from ordinary people like you and me. They can no longer print unlimited money to pay for everything. And that’s a good thing.

That’s why I have decided to dedicate my life towards promoting the adoption of Bitcoin Cash. What is happening around the world makes me feel depressed. The cruelty of the government against their own civilians makes me depressed. We need an alternative monetary system where it is money for the people by the people. And when I said people, I meant people from all countries of all ethnicity and gender. We are all humans and we are the same. There is enough division among humanity and it is time to work together as one.

I came to Bitcoin Cash for the gains but I stayed for the cause. The cause to make a positive difference to humanity by putting the power back into the people hands. An alternative monetary system can only succeed if it works as a means of exchange and that means Bitcoin Cash.

Bitcoin Cash is the people’s money and I am one of those people.

$ 3230.32
$ 3200.00 from @MarcDeMesel
$ 10.00 from @powellquesne
$ 5.08 from @TheRandomRewarder
+ 13
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Written by
3 years ago


Great artical ✔

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article, but misleading. You can not change situation in any country by thinking only on money. You want money for yourself. Majority of people do, to solve their problems and make their life easier, enjoyable. If you have corrupted government, they will make strict Law in which they will demand you to report all your crypto or you will be persecuted. And believe me majority of people will report it. Average Joe, does not have courage to confront establishment. If you want to change Government, you must change people and how the think. So all cryptos are now riding the wave of people-printing-machine and not government. But is is all the same game :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for this article. I feel the same way. Everyone needs access to money, and many cannot work in traditional ways. This makes money so much more attainable, even just to live.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The government has the power to regulate state finances. however, money can rule the country and cause the government to issue policies to benefit the people who give the money during campaigns and elections.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Once people lost confidence in their government's money, it doesn't matter what the regulations are. Most people will not obey unjust laws when it means their families would starve to death. This has been true in the past and I believe it will be true for the future.

$ 0.50
3 years ago

When reading your article, I observed how you painted with words the reality that my country lives. I partly agree with you, the system that oppresses the majority of people must be changed. But first, we must change our perception of money ourselves. A means to achieve ends and not an end to monopolize the means. Like you, I see a lot of potential in Bitcoin Cash to help bring about change. For this to be possible, BCH must replace the Dollar as the reference standard based on a fair weighting between goods and services. It is not easy but it is possible.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

When you take away the government’s ability to print money, then you also take away their ability to harm the civilians.

You can't take away the government's or the central bank's ability to print money. They will always print money. What you can do, you cannot accept the government's money. But all the government paid jobs, like army, police but also teachers, will have to accept the government's money, the others will be able to be in the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem. If the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem is big enough, the government will not be able to ban it. However, the government levies taxes and can require the taxes to be paid in fiat currency. If they ban the exchanges, the companies will have to sell for BCH and for fiat. I don't think we can replace fiat completely.

$ 0.01
3 years ago