The importance of probiotics Good bacteria

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3 years ago

The importance of probiotics (good bacteria) in our body ..

Probiotics (Good battery) are important in our stomach .. because they help strengthen our body inside our stomach.

image from

these are the benefits we can get from our body if our stomach is full of good bacteria ..

Example image of Good Bacteria (lactobacillus)


1.Prevent food allergies

2.Barrier against food poisoning

3.Help shorten Colds and flu people with lactose intolerance

5.combat bladder infections and urinary tract infections

6.prevent heart attacks and strokes

7.boost immune system

8.soothe irritable bowel, belly pain and bloating discomfort

9.improves metabolism

10.protects your liver

11.prevent tumor and cancer ...

Probiotics (good bacteria) help us a lot in our body ...

Do you know that our stomach is our second brain .... because when we are hungry, we can not think of the things we want .. oh we can not focus on something we do .. because we are hungry. ..

And did you know that almost 85% (diseases) diseases in the world we get from what we eat. because the foods we eat in our generation are cancerous ....

Examples of foods that are harmful to our health ...

1.HOTDOGs ..

We know that it is a favorite of young people and even as an adult it is also a favorite, .. it is often cooked in the morning because it is a favorite of children for breakfast ...

why is it canserous? because hot dogs are high in (Sodium nitrates) .. the Cancer Prevention Coalition group, recommends that only 12 hotdogs be eaten in a month ,, if you do not avoid eating hotdogs prefer pale hotdogs oh yung kulay brown ....

2.Longganisa, Ham, Tocino, Bacon (processed meats)


Likewise, it is also high in Sodium Nitrates, as seen in hotdogs, tocino, ham, longganisa, As we continue to eat processed meats ,, there is a high chance that Sodium Nitrates are already in our body and it is harmful to our heart, , it causes diseases. ,, the fats from processed meats, can also cause Cancer ...


Donuts are also Causing Cancer ... due to its two bad processes ,,, First it is made of white flour, sugar and (Hydrogenated Oil) what is Hydrogenated Oil?

(Fat molecules have trans fats, and they may be the worst type of fat you can consume.)

Second ... donuts are cooked at high temperatures in oil .. it is bad for our body ...

Mike Adams says, May be the worst food you can possibly eat to raise your risk of cancer)

4. French fries ..

like donuts, french fries are also used in hydrogenated oils, and are fried or dipped in high temperature oil, french fries are like a sponge in which they absorb oil, and accumulate inside the french fries, and so on. even if we eat the oil ,, and if the oil is used over and over again, in cooking french fries, this is where the cancer disease enters ,. because the oil contains acrylamides due to repeated use in the oil and at high temperatures ..

5. Chips, crackers, and cookies

It is also called Junk Food ... When it is said to be junk food .. these are foods that can be fermented, .. high in transfat, .. there are preservatives, .. so it is called junk? when it comes to junk food .. Waste to eat ... it is usually eaten by young people today ....

6.SoftDrinks ...

FREQUENTLY drinking soft drinks is deliciously cool especially during the summer

That's why according to the study of experts, it is not healthy to drink it often.

Soda contains phosphoric acid which kills calcium and magnesium, nutrients that would be good for our immunity.

In addition, some soft drinks are also high in fructose corn syrup which also contains high levels of free radicals that damage the tissues of our body, cause and even worsen diabetes.

According to public health experts, plastic bottles containing soft drinks, even mineral water, contain a toxic chemical called BPA or bisphenol A, which mixes with beverages and is harmful to a person's body.

He is just six examples of the foods we eat today that we often eat every day, ... but there are many more foods that we thought we ate but they are bad for our stomachs .....

the question is whether we can avoid these foods? ... Isn't it .. especially in our time now .. pure processed meat and foods .. and pure instant foods ,, Especially now that the Streets are scattered Foods here in the philippines ... and we Filipinos are used to these foods .. and others are the culture of eating in this filipino ...

Notice now in our time .. our lives are getting shorter and shorter ... says the study .... life is now if you are a man ,, good luck reaching 55 years Old .. and for a woman is 60 years Old ....

Unlike before .. during the time of our grandparents .. they lived long .. even up to 100 years .. 90 and 80 .. because all they ate then were organic foods .. like sweet potato, banana ....

unlike in our time now it's different .. Junk food is the snack .. mabebetsin .. Instant Coffee, Instant Noodles .. Hotdogs .. Donuts.Pizza .. and in fastfoods that others run ..

so do not be surprised if your life is Instant .. That because of what we eat so our lives shorten ... The disease UTI (Urinary Tract Infections) .. Then it was just a disease of the elderly .... Eh now pay attention .. even if you are young .. even 5 years old you have a UTI .. Because what your parents drink is softdrinks .. softdrinks they make water ....

So do not be surprised that the diseases that afflict us are When they are cured by what we eat ..... Almost 85% of the diseases in the world we get from eating ..

the big question .... We can not avoid eating processed foods and Instant Foods ... what should we do? ...

First we need to be aware of what we eat .. and we should just eat enough and not overeat ....

Second ... This is where the so-called Probiotics (Good Bacteria) come in ....


The digestive tract specifically the stomach and intestines are essential processes of digesting food and absorbing the essential nutrients that the body needs. That is why it is important to take care of these parts. And one of the effective ways to take care of the health of the stomach and intestines is to maintain the proper balance of good bacteria in it.


Each person's stomach is infested with different types of tiny bacteria. Some of these are harmful and can cause illness if neglected, while others help the stomach itself. The bacteria that help the stomach are what are defined as good bacteria.


Good bacteria in the stomach help in several ways. It already helps in the metabolism of certain nutrients obtained from foods that pass through the medium. Another benefit of good bacteria in health is its fight against bad bacteria. Foods are also easier to digest with the help of these bacteria.


Unfortunately, good bacteria in the stomach are also eliminated when taking antibiotics. The number of good bacteria is also reduced when eating processed or refined foods, or foods that are too sweet or high in starch. Fortunately, there are several ways to maintain the balance of good bacteria in the stomach.

1. Reduce the intake of sweets and starches. The balance of bacteria in the stomach is lost if there is too much sugar in the food. Sugar from sugary foods can increase the number of bad bacteria

2. Keep a balanced diet. Eat meat, fish, and vegetables because these are what good bacteria eat.

3. Eat fermented foods. Fermented foods such as kimchi, yogurt, cheese, etc. can boost and increase the number of good bacteria in the stomach.

4. Limit the intake of antibiotics. As mentioned earlier, good bacteria are eliminated by taking antibiotics. Whenever possible, avoid using anti-inflammatory drugs. Pay attention to alternative and natural methods of treatment if available.

5. Drink broth or stew. The broth from the bones and flesh helps to heal the lining of the stomach and strengthen the good bacteria.

6. Take Probiotic Supplements. Consider drinking beverages with probiotics (Yakult, Yoghurt) especially if you are recovering from severe treatment. These supplements contain the living good bacteria that the stomach needs

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3 years ago
