First Week of Our Face to Face Class (Midyear)

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2 years ago

Blog #45 ✍️

June 11, 2022 | Saturday


Hello family!

It's me again and again and again!

A new chapter of life and a journey of my school life is now changed because we are dealing with our face to face classes for the midyear class, sa wakas. I'm busy for this past few weeks (bisag dili gud 🀣) and I missed writing blogs again here. I'm famous for being a lazy writer here. As usual, I always thought I could write an article within the day, but I guess I can't. That's too bad for me then, just in my thinking not in my actions.

Well now, I am writing again, hoping for your understanding once again, thinking how to start and end this nonsense article, char lungs hahaha. I'm now in the process of engaging myself in the real estate of having this face to face class, not the same as in online classes, not to cheat and copy answers from classmates, but to do my best and part to study harder and strive more to gain real grades through my hard work.


What happened for the first week of our face to face classes?


At first, I was worried about my COR (Certificate of Registration), because I didn't yet receive an email from the P.E department but when I looked at the prism link there was my class schedule. We're having only two subjects for this midyear class, morning from 7 am to 10 am and afternoon from 1 pm to 3 pm. Not so busy but there are also activities, our first subject is the 'Swimming and Aquatics' and the 'Choral' which is about singing and enhancing our vocalizations.


During our first day or meeting of the class, I feel excited to see my classmates faces as well as our instructors in school, I woke up early in morning just to make sure I won't be late for the first time and forever face to face class I had in my college life πŸ˜… I also feel a lil bit nervous, to think that if our teachers ask about our discussions before, but thankfully they didn't ask a thing like that.


Same goes as Monday, meeting with classmates and friends and gathering together in a hall because we haven't a classroom to stay with. We as PE majors are just like abandoned during class hours because everywhere in the campus is our room hahaha. We can stay at the social hall even in the tennis court, coz there's no vacant rooms for us. Our second day of face to face class was fun and enjoyable, we greeted each other and bonded together and after class we separated.


In our choral class we started to practice breathing and how we manage our long breaths while singing. It is such a great privilege to learn it from our music instructor who's known to become famous.


On the third day, we were instructed to print out some things that we needed in the swimming and aquatics class, so we brought and printed it before our instructor came in. But the exciting part is that we need to dance TikTok if we were being late in the class and my classmates who got late did it before they could have their attendance checked (lol) in other way, I will make sure to not be late so that I can't dance in front of my classmates haha, that's very disgusting but being a PE majors it's very required to become shameless in front of the class, that's what our instructor said.

For our choral class we didn't meet in the afternoon that day because our instructor got a call for their practice for the said presentation for the upcoming graduation.


Days passed by and it was Thursday already. The day started with a fresh and blessed morning to all of us, waking up early at 4 am, cooking food and eating before going to school. That's the routine we are doing here everyday, and it's good to exercise waking up so early, I'm happy for it 😁.

We gathered in the tennis court and did an activity about guessing the proper execution of the exercises, so we're grouped into 3 and performed it after 5 minutes. Our group got the highest score because we cheated from Google hahaha, so bad at least I'm honest here, but I know every group cheated. After that the class is dismissed and we go to the market to buy water and viand, then go to our boarding house because I rent one near the school so that I can save money compared to paying a jeep back and forth to home that costs 60 pesos.

In the afternoon, we have no class again for the choral music class so we rest some of the time in our boarding haus while spending time together with my classmates. We also go to the city to buy some of our needs.


The last day was very rushed, because I thought our class was moved to 8 am but that'd be on Thursday, so we haven't eaten yet while walking to school. We rush the time because we need to print out our 1Γ—1 ID picture to the market before we go to class, but then the photo paper in the printing is depleted so we need to go back there after the class. I thought I would be late but thankfully I'm not.

After the attendance we have group reporting, but it is not good so we stop the reporting with advice from our instructor because he's being disappointed with our improper reporting with no correct research and information about the development of swimming. Well, it's also good to end like that because we learned something new from him and to his experiences in life, thanks to sir.

For the choral class we sang the assignment piece of a song and sang it with a group in front of the class. The day was very productive even though it's very tiring to walk a long distance within the campus.

Overall, the first week of our face to face classes was done with happiness because we already experienced the feeling of becoming a college student, then challenge because it's not just a simple class, coz we need to practice swimming and tuning our voices so that we can pass for the practical exams. Everyone of us is a beginner and I hope we can do our best for this challenge and get passing grades.

That would be the end of my article for today's blog, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks for passing by ☺️

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Avatar for Misz_BotipolJen_07
2 years ago


Tarung bya school hupp maam-

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are superb 😘 and our class started couple of months ago in face to face class

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sana all face to face na :(

$ 0.00
2 years ago

you are great dear. now take off the mask. do not hide your beauty. You have a tiring schedule. I wish conveniences

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ang busy mo pala sis. Same tayo sis. Dami din nangyari sa mga araw ko. Daming ginagawa kaya hindi makapag focus pero tuloy parin.

$ 0.00
2 years ago