Would you Rather have Endless Money or Endless Love?

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3 years ago

If you have endless money, you can buy yourself everything your heart desires that makes your life comfortable and increase your happiness in life. However, the more money you have, the more problems you encounter. One of these problems is the superficial friends that are only after the material benefits they get from you. What is the odd that the person you want to marry is not after your money if he/she knows that you have plenty of money? Will he/she still want to marry you if you are penniless?

In my opinion, there is no such thing as endless money, so I would rather have endless love. Why? Because a person in love will look for ways to have money to support the ones he/she loves. What is the sense of having unlimited money if you are devoid of love? I agree that money is valuable in our existence, but it doesn't last forever. As the Bible says: "In the end, there are three things that last; faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love."

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