Top 10 Pests You Would Rather Not Have To Deal With

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2 years ago
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The world is teeming with dirty and scary critters. I know most people would rather not have to deal with any pests. And I’m not saying that I like having to deal with bugs, either. But sometimes, there is nothing we can do except to call a professional. Most of these top 10 are hairy, slippery, or annoying crawlers you would rather not encounter.

These are the 10 pests that you would rather not have to deal with.


It is very nice to see pigeons on the dam. But if you live in an area near pigeons, this means that you have to turn on your air conditioner when you are asleep, and you have to wash your car every week to remove the bird poop.


Fruit flies are not really that harmful, but they are SUPER annoying. Especially because they come out of nowhere and then suddenly start dancing around your head with about 50 pieces. And then try to kill them one by one… Fortunately, you can fight fruit flies relatively easily , but you still prefer not to let them in your house. So clean up that ripe banana!


It is hard to resist the cuteness of mice in photos and films, but you will find yourself in trouble if one suddenly jumps past you when you least expect it. This is because they are quite dirty, and they are very common almost anywhere in the world. One fine morning, if you find a hole in your bag of fresh bread, and see a trail of mouse droppings on the counter, your appetite will soon be gone. These 'family friends' can mainly be found in student houses where cleanliness is not always taken seriously.


From a distance, ants seem quite acceptable and they perform useful activities. But if 1 ant has found a path inside, his friends always follow in large numbers. Therefore, it is best to guide the ants to an ant bait box as quickly as possible. 


Wasps hang around your head, around your beer, and around your platter with tasty snacks. These guys can really ruin your perfect summer day. Besides the fact that they are annoyingly present, they can also sting, which does not benefit the anxiety and stress level.


Although flies cannot sting, they are even better than the wasp able to find the entrance to your living room or bedroom. But as easy as they can find the entrance to the room, finding the exit again is so hard for them. As a result, you are left with a dazed blowfly buzzing around for hours that keep you awake.


There is no doubt that mosquitoes make more noise than flies when it comes to sound. Furthermore, they can sting badly and leave you with itchy bumps. Do I need to say more? 


Silverfish are not familiar to everyone, but once you have encountered them, you will understand why they are ranking among the top 10. Dirty animals that make your bathroom and other areas unsafe are very difficult to eliminate. Bah!


A cockroach is not very common where I live, but you can often encounter them in most places. While you cannot see them, they scratch and rustle. Or they suddenly shoot at your feet. Having cockroaches around your home is not a good idea, since they spread a great deal of disease and bacteria. At the same time, they are extremely tough. 


Bed bugs are the popular pest in the world. These dirty residents of the bed are advancing internationally. They are super small (about 5 mm), and they hide between the folds of your bed, so you can hardly see them. You can find them especially in the (dirtier) hotels and hostels.

How do I find out? Well, you can search the room very well (they usually leave black specks or blood stains).

Or, of course, look in the mirror the next morning and see how you look (that the bed bug has bitten you all over and then leaves you with red bumps all over your body (or face) that itch for days.) Bed bug is a very nice animal. I'm kidding.

Thanks for Reading. (:

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2 years ago
Topics: Creativity, Test, Pest, Top10, Topfacts, ...


Haha 😂 Right there with you. Bed bugs are the most dangerous pest in the world . At least to me.

This post made me remember my worst and unforgettable moment in high school ( Bedbag ) the kings of all pest 🦟.

They are just wicked. I just hope anyone on this platform form never have to experience what I experienced

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2 years ago