There are so many falsehoods told in the world, but what are the top 10 biggest lies ever? This list is not an easy one to compile, but I have done my best to rank these lies from least controversial to most shocking.
10. "I'm running late" You're just trying to avoid something or get out of going somewhere.
9. "I'm on my way" and it will take you 20 minutes or longer
8. "My cell phone died" and you really wanted to be left alone because you were in a bad mood
7. "You're never going to believe this!" A lie with a twist ending for those who can't stand the suspense! 6. "I don't have to go to work tomorrow" You get sick a lot.
6. "It was just an accident", "I didn't mean to do it," and "it wasn't my fault."
5. "My spouse [or other relatives] is fine" when you know they are very ill, hurt, or dead
4. The Earth is flat! A lie that has been around for a very long time, but never actually believed by anyone with an ounce of sense left in their head.
3. "This book is a great read!" You just want them to buy it so you can make money off of it somehow!
2. "I'm an honest person" You're not above lying just to get out of a situation, even when it's for your own good.
1. "I'll love you forever.
Thanks for reading. (: