Benefits of tree planting

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Avatar for Mishu25
3 years ago

The tree is our best friend...
The best gift tree in nature...
The Creator has adorned and beautified it with fruit trees and lush forests as the necessities of life for mankind. Forests, forest plants have preserved the balance of the earth's environment and nature. Trees are one of the most beautiful beauties of Allah, there is no way of life for animals without trees.

Without human beings, trees would not be a problem, but without trees, the existence of the human race on earth would disappear. Humans and other animals are directly and indirectly dependent on trees. The tree is an absolute friend of the environment and nature. Trees play the most important role in maintaining the balance of the environment, human life and livelihood. The most essential oxygen for our survival in daily life comes from the tree. Trees play a leading role for humans.
Trees not only enhance natural beauty, but also prevent soil erosion, prevent flooding, and protect lives and property by preventing storms. The role of trees in climate control is also immense. Without trees, the earth would be a desert. Trees keep us alive by providing oxygen. That is why the tree is called the forerunner of life.

The need for trees:
The need for trees in our daily life is immense. Trees are a very important element of our environment and one of the forest resources. We take the leaves, fruits and seeds of the tree as food. Our wearables are made by extracting fibers from trees. Our houses and furniture are made from wood obtained from trees. Our much-needed writing materials are made of paper and pencil wood. Our medicine is also made from this tree.

Protects life and environment: Trees control the temperature of the living world with shade. The shade of the tree does not allow the soil water to evaporate easily. Extensive forest trees condense water vapor to cause precipitation. By taking in carbon dioxide gas from the atmosphere, the tree releases oxygen gas, which humans and other animals take in for respiration.

There is an intimate relationship between trees and the environment. The tree is our best friend; But how much do you care for a friend? We deforest without any reason or for little reason. But trees are an important element in maintaining the balance of the environment. Plants simply absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, not the benefits. Large trees play an effective role in lightning prevention. Every day people are dying in lightning strikes due to environmental disasters. The effects of thunderstorms, droughts, heavy rains, landslides and cyclones are increasing day by day in the country. So it is not right to cut down trees and deforestation at will. Without forests, the natural environment would become warmer, the earth would become a desert, and human existence would be endangered.

Current state of the tree:
Once upon a time, the natural beauty of the tree-lined region and our forests attracted foreign tourists. Meeting our needs brings comfort in life. Sad but true, today is not that day. The range of mango, jackfruit, betel nut and coconut orchards in Bangladesh is getting narrower and narrower to almost zero.
Things to do to preserve the trees: The number of our trees is negligible compared to the limitless need to balance the materials and environment of different types of industries. In each case, they have seized it, despite obstacles we can scarcely imagine. " Each of us needs to plant at least two trees to bring prosperity to the country's economy and public life.

Treeless environment is a threat to life and livelihood. So to meet the growing shortage of these resources, unbridled deforestation needs to be stopped. We should be aware of strengthening tree planting as well. If we collectively adopt and apply the slogan 'Let's plant trees, save the environment', then our tree resources will grow and the environment will be beautiful.

Forests are declining under the pressure of population. The weather is having an adverse effect on the declining forest cover in the northwest. Deforestation is polluting the air, eroding the soil and endangering the environment. Due to lack of forest cover, there is drought and ground water level is declining. The incomparable green beauty is being lost. The importance of greenery and afforestation in creating a conducive environment for human and animal existence is immense. Forests on the one hand enhance the beauty of the cosmos, on the other hand are playing an extraordinary role in maintaining the balance of nature and environment.

Forests help keep the atmosphere clean and cool. Where there is more vegetation and forest, there is good rainfall. As a result, the amount of water in the land increases, cultivation and crops are better. Trees increase soil fertility and also help prevent soil erosion, storms and floods. Conservation of natural environment, pollution free environment, economic development, tree planting and afforestation in poverty alleviation and a planned garden can be the goal of creating a beautiful world for future generations, not to destroy trees, but to create.

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3 years ago
