how sequence, opportunity and a leap of faith has led me to success?

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3 years ago

this is my story of how sequence, opportunity and a leap of faith has led me to success.

I was raised traditionally on the little island of Malta in Europe. I had a loving and happy childhood but grew up from a kid to a teen painstakingly living life by the book. At one point I rebelled. And thinking back, that was the time when my independence started to flourish.. to a cost. A cost to which I’ll be forever thankful.

I fell pregnant at a very young age and was already supporting a toddler going out of my teens. Life was difficult. I was broke, lonely and desperate. Spiritually, emotionally and financially I was broken.

As any single parent would do, I juggled jobs to make ends meet and provide to my little one taking one step forward and two steps backwards. My social life was non-existent and even when accidentally I met someone I liked, I would unconsciously push them away. I had no time for romance! My life revolved entirely around survival.

I attempted anything I could think of to provide a decent life for my kid to the extent of eventually leaving behind my family, friends and my country with the hope of better opportunities.

Away from everything and everyone I was accustomed to, I began to slowly understand that life isn’t really about finding but rather creating oneself. Life is ten percent what happens to us.. and ninety percent on how we respond to it. I learnt that the quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitments to excellence, regardless of the condition of life, in which chance.. or our own mistakes as human beings has placed us in.

I became more open to understanding life and this is when the magic started!

Some remarkable things started happening and I began crossing paths with extraordinary people. One day, I was having a chat with a very special person on how I dreamed of being free! Back home, unrestrained by schedule.. unburdened financially and in charge of my life.

She insisted that if I focus on the positive and believe that life can be what I dream of it to be, my belief will create the fact.

“If your mindset is mainstream,” she said, “your return will be average. If you desire greatness, you need to think greatness and be open to greatness. What we think determines what happens to us - so if we want to change or lives, we need to stretch our minds.”

I was presented with an opportunity to work towards a life unlike the traditional within a fast-growing community using an online proven system that was generating return like crazy! I was not skeptical - I trusted the person completely but was instantly snowed under a ton of self-doubt. What she had presented was way out of my comfort zone. Can I do it? Am I good enough? I have no experience!

She invited me to watch a video presentation and I witnessed greatness! I witnessed normal people like myself coming from all walks of life working towards the life of their dreams, supporting each other and achieving accomplishments beyond my belief!

A sense of challenge hit me - I became motivated, set my goals and charged after them in an unstoppable manner.

Being among thousands of successful people working towards the same goal supporting me with all the training and tools towards my own success is an experience that to this day I cannot describe.

I am today back in my country, in love with the kindest, most considerate person I have ever met in my life and holding in my arms two beautiful children. My daughter is eighteen and my step son is ten. We travel and live life within our terms. I am living the life that I had only envisioned in my wildest dreams and to this I am grateful to God who entrusted me with the gift of life and provided me with the chance of living well.

I strongly believe that many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up an opportunity.

We make a living by what we get, but make a life by what we give. And so, I am sharing my story and this opportunity with anyone looking for a break.

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3 years ago
