The impact of marital disputes and divorce on children

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If one day you entered any Egyptian house from the inside with a large percentage, you will find the mother talking about that she endures this life that is unlike her in anything only for the eyes of the children, this is at best it is also possible to find someone who is being beaten and insulted or for life with someone who is very stingy financially and Morally, the reverse is of course permissible in the sense that a man may also tolerate ten women who are not understood by the whole life for the sake of children, and these marital disputes have a negative impact on children.

Sometimes the wife is nervous, bossy, strong-tongue, and with that life continues for the sake of children, the most common and torment for the two people is that they live together and both of them are good-natured, kind, calm, cooperative, there are no known problems, but they are unable To make each other happy, then each of them feels guilty just because he feels unhappy in this life. He looks at someone who is facing bigger problems and blames himself for his desire to leave all this and move forward.

The real reasons for the continuation of the marriage

These are ideal couples in the eyes of everyone, not even one of them allows himself to discuss the other side in his mind.

He finishes his duties and is smiling and satisfied with stability, and every night he goes to his bed thinking that he would like to live things different from the one he is living now, then he feels remorse and goes to sleep and so his days are repeated.

And he may wish in some cases to obtain real reasons for the separation so that he can go out for a new life he wishes.

Therefore, we need to know the reasons that deserve to be separated.

The only real reason why a breakup is likely is because the two parties are unable to please each other.

Under this reason there are several reasons, the most severe of which are of course insult and psychological and physical harm.

But what is meant is if the two parties still want each other even if they have violent practices with the consent of both parties, then their marriage is only successful and needs to address some problems.

As for if there are ways that any kind of harm is damaged and continues only because of the presence of children, this article may help him.

Is the idea of ​​divorce in the presence of children a correct idea?

This is the most frequent and famous question. There are some who accept that as long as there are children, there is no idea of ​​divorce, no matter how the whole house suffers from disagreements and problems. Has anyone ever thought to ask the children whether they want this marriage to continue or not?

There is no doubt that marriage when it is healthy and both parties seek to please the whole family and this is best for children.

But when problems become prevalent then this marriage will do more harm than good.

Divorce is difficult and going through its steps drains energy and the responsibilities that are placed on the shoulders of the party raising the children do not end and literally "break the back."

Therefore, it is necessary to try to make the marriage successful in all ways, but if all attempts fail, it is a destiny and is written for everyone, and it is necessary to be courageous and to go for the most appropriate path for all.

Courage is not just continuing to patch a garment in which there is no proper piece, but real courage is working to buy a new garment.

Divorce may be better for children

All the people who talk all the time that they are good at hiding their problems in front of children.

And that children are completely far from what we live in in terms of misery and conflicts that do not end, you should not believe them.

Children are adept at reading faces and living the general atmosphere full of sadness and depression, and one day they will live in the same way in their homes no matter how much they hate it, and they will hate everything around them, which is the ugliest effect of a failed marriage.

On the contrary, if the divorce took place in a healthy way, and the two parties preferred the interests of the children over the idea of ​​anger and revenge on the other party.

Divorce would be a good idea for them in the long run, they will experience a wave of grief at first.

Maybe some problems happened, but in the end they will be fine.

I met several adults who said I wish my parents had separated when we were young.

Psychological disorders that children are exposed to as a result of marital disputes

The child may experience many psychological disorders or problems during divorce or in an unsuccessful marriage.

These problems differ from one child to another depending on many factors, including his personality, the type of conflict existing, or others.

These problems are, for example:

  • Great anxiety about his whole life and what he may be exposed to, especially when entering adolescence.

  • Depression is severely depressed, and society withdraws to itself tightly.

  • Aggressive practices and causing problems, especially with the outside community.

  • Stubbornness and not listening to what is said to him or carrying out what is asked of him.

  • Delayed level of education and comprehension in the study.

  • Poor communication skills with others, and this is due to the existence of permanent disagreements between parents without solutions, or at least agreement on a method or roadmap to deal with disagreements, the child first learns how to solve disputes from home and the presence of parents and their way of dealing.

  • The existence of real problems in their relationships with partners in the future, there will be basic obstacles in how to succeed in these relationships as the relationships that they saw in their homes and throughout their ages were not successful.

  • Emotional insecurity: Studies have indicated that children who lived in an unhappy couple are more likely than others to lose confidence in a partner and insecure relationships, no matter how stable they seem.

  • Raise the level of cortisol and stress the heart: Many researchers have found that children who live in a home that contains marital disputes, are exposed to a state of heart stress, and that raising the level of cortisol affects the body’s ability to withstand stress.

Marital differences from the point of view of children

Numerous studies have shown that divorce negatively affects the psyche of children and afflicts them with many psychological problems and disorders.

But also many of these studies, after following up the research, found that the origin of these problems dates back to the period preceding the divorce, with all its problems, disagreements, and tense atmospheres that fill the whole house, especially if there are these differences.

  • Convergingly frequent.

  • Arguments loud and shouting.

  • It contains verbal or physical violence that is heard and seen by the child, or even only hearing.

  • There are disagreements for which there is no solution, "and this of course is in the child's eyes, as he thinks that these differences are impossible to solve."

  • Disagreements about the child himself or because of his responsibilities.

The effect of marital disputes (unhappy marriage) on children

When the two partners are immersed in marital disputes (an unhappy marriage), and whenever their desires are not satisfied by this relationship, this will undoubtedly make their focus weak and their desire to communicate in general non-existent.

In particular, their contact with children will be minimal and within the limits of necessary responsibilities only, providing food, drink, delivering it to school, helping him perform duties, and thank you. This is everything, but the children take care of her needs more, so in the long term the child suffers from Lack of care and poor attention. By entering adolescence, problems worsen and you do not have the focus or energy to pursue or fight a war with him for the sake of survival.

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