Coinbase Does Not Use Polygon

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Avatar for MiniComposition
2 years ago

Just that.

Fool me once, shame on you.

Back a few months, I had some BCH leftover from the fork (don't pick it up!{pick it up/pick it up/Hot potato[Douglas Adams, Dirk Gently]}|pick it up|take it), and I wanted to try some Polygon transactions. Over to Coinbase the BCH went, along with the scraps from, and (oh by the way, my Coinbase account is getting a lot of failed transaction hits. Probably just spamming via my known email, but it would be nice to see more details on the script-kiddies' attempts) then to Polygon.

HA! Fooled you! <insert meme from Spaceballs> <insert meme from Willy Wonka, reading the contract> That is Matic on THE ETHEREUM CHAIN I just bought with my hard earned BCH. Worse you, those tokens cost more to move than they are worth!

Fool me twice, shame on me.

So now, you generous folk have got enough BCH in my tip jar up there that, if it were on the Polygon chain, I could try out some contracts. And I had heard (read) rumors that Coinbase now had direct transfer to Polygon Chain Matic. Ooo. O00. <insert eager naive emoji of some kind> So, lets send the little bit up there in the wallet off to Coinbase, and prepare to swap..

And wait. And wait. OK, they want lots of confirmations so it takes a while (or maybe I goofed, haven't looked yet these last half hour), so lets read up and see about that Polygon.. Oh, HEY! It is still Matic on the Ethereum Chain! And they do warn not to send to that from Polygon Chain.

So probably I should move that BCH back out of the Coinbase Wallet, but meanwhile, how about moving the Matic-Ethereum back to Coinbase and consolidate it back into BCH. NOPE, that is an Ethereum transaction, costs more gas than the tokens are worth.

Deep breath. Oh well.

So I am 'pretty sure' I can get the BCH back onto this wallet here with not much cost. And I am pretty sure I can not get the value back from those MATIC-Ethereum. OK.


But on a happy note, it looks like OpenSea is picking up the tab on Polygon NFT transfers on their site, I can gift NFT to other people with NO TRANSACTION COST TO ME. Now, TANSTAFL, There Ain't No Such Thing As a Free Lunch, somebody is paying for those free transactions, maybe Opensea, maybe policy on the chain. But for now, let's chow down and trade away.

$ 3.11
$ 3.06 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from
Avatar for MiniComposition
2 years ago
