What do they mean in a dream: Sex with someone you don't like, cheating ...

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Dreams are not always what they seem to us. If you are naked in dreams, it is not related to sex, but can reveal a desire for freedom, while sex in public may indicate a neurotic desire to shock other people - extreme behavior that requires attention Slightly less than half of people who regularly remember dreams often they have dreams about sex, and about 15 percent of them boil down to some inappropriate sex scenario. As many as one in 25 men dreamed of being pregnant, while 15 percent of people dream of having sex with someone inappropriate, for example with a boss or a friend’s husband, a Bed SOS survey found. Prominent British psychologist and dream expert, Dr. Keith M. T. Hearne analyzed the most commonly unspoken sex dreams and conducted the world’s first laboratory research of dreams with subjects who have hot dreams. They remember their dreams regularly, and may even be aware that they are dreaming and influencing the flow of dreams themselves. "Dreams, especially those that suddenly wake you up, are probably best understood as messages of our subconscious with their symbolism. The emotion that remains after waking up is the best indicator of whether a dream represents something good or bad," Hearne explains. Sex in dreams We dream about two hours every night, and most dreams are actually reduced to everyday things. However, sometimes strong feelings that often stand behind sex dreams can appear in dreams, writes the Daily Mail. Of course, many sexual dreams simply reflect the desire for sexual pleasure, but sometimes they are so illogical - you are in a dream with someone you don't really like at all, for example. This unusual factor actually reveals that dreams are not always what they seem to us. Dr. Hearne therefore explains the meaning of the most common dreams related to sex. Sex with an ex-partner In a relationship, a kind of addictive sexual behavior develops over time. In fact, it is a powerful activity that makes emotional and psychological closeness. If a relationship fails, the initial sexual attraction cannot just disappear and dreams take us back to earlier times of relationships and our feelings. That is why it is not unusual for people to dream such dreams for a long time after the break, especially if there is sexual frustration. A person of the same sex If you’re heterosexual, and you’ve experienced a dream like this, you’re probably wondering what it actually means. In some cases, such dreams may be the result of conscious thoughts, but there is often a deeper level to be reckoned with. The other person of the same sex can actually represent you, the dreamer. Dreams can give us wise insights like: Are you too egocentric? Or should you love yourself more and build self-confidence? Self-meditation can allow you to discover what it is all about. Sex in public Some people are extremely exhibitionist oriented and the dream world is a safe place for such fantasies. Dreams thus protect you from exposing yourself to reckless risks. If you are naked in your dreams, it is not related to sex, but can reveal a desire for freedom, while sex in public can indicate a neurotic desire to shock other people - extreme behavior that requires attention. Someone you don't like Dreams progress through visual and verbal associative pathways, and the overriding law of all dreams is what you think you will dream - you dream it. What happens here is that at some point it leads to thinking about a person you don’t like. This point acts as a trigger and that is why it appears in a contradictory dream. It comes down to feeding on negative emotions, such as contempt, and it can also symbolize something you don't like about yourself, for example something you are currently doing because you have to, even though you are going against your principles, 24sata.hr reports. The dream that your partner is cheating on you Sometimes such a dream means to the dreamer that cheating is really happening. The subconscious is sensitive to subtle clues, so in addition to the real possibility that something like this is happening, there is also the fact that you are insecure in a relationship, do not receive enough attention, lack self-confidence or fear that your partner is no longer in love with you. In any case, it symbolizes dissatisfaction with the relationship, whether the cause is your partner's behavior or your internal reasons. Men who dream of pregnancy Sometimes men can feel great empathy with their partner and even experience pregnancy symptoms. That is why dreams of pregnancy can be the result of a real desire for offspring. In the symbolic, metaphorical language of the subconscious, another possibility is that it positively represents some much-loved project (say, a business idea or construction plan) that needs to be ‘born’.

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