The universal law of Giving

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4 years ago

The universe we lived is guided by laws, and until you discover, obey and abide by these laws, success in anything you do is far fetch.

One of the amazing laws I respect so much is the universal law of giving and the law states that;

"It is in giving that we receive"

Giving they say is not giving until it touches the heat.

Giving might sound so heavy for many, but the simple truth is that you can not give what you don't have and as such you can't receive more if you don't give more because it is in giving more that we actually receives more.

You may say you don't have anything to give out to anyone, but the truth is that you have all it takes to give to anyone who needs what you have.

Money, food, clothings, shelter might not be the only thing you have to offer ad a gift to others, but you have within you an inborn talents, knowledge, wisdom, answers and solution to problems to give out to people.

And it is the measure at which you give out to others that you will receive in returns.

So if you give sparingly, you shall receive sparingly, but if you give bountifully, you shall receive bountifully.

Give and it shall be given unto you, don't give and it shall not be given unto you.

That, explains the universal law of giving.

I am @Mike4christ

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Nice photography

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4 years ago

Goodmorning , this article is one of the best I've read. Giving and receiving has powerful impact on relationships, not only with others but will yourself as well. Thank you for another insiring and motivating article dear . Blessed you always.♥️

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4 years ago