If you don't plan for your money comes before it comes, your money will plan for you

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Hello guys, have you ever been in a situation whereby you have money and don't know what to do with it?

Well, so many people are in this situation, but the truth is that if you don't have any plan for your money before it comes, your money will plan for you because money is a very good planner and a good messenger.

Apart from life where money can't buy, money can buy anything buyable, lols, because the purchasing power of money is absolutely very high and enormous.

It is a timely bomb for your money to plan for you because you will start misbehaving and buy what not to buy all because you didn't have any plan for it and at the end, you will end up loosing all the money, so to avoid this, you must always plan for your money before it's arrival such that the moment it lands into your account, you immediately use it for what you actually planned for, with this, you will not loose your money, money will not enslaves you and you'll actually use money for what it was meant for, that, is when you're able to use and control money.

It is never too late to start havi3good plans for your money even before it's arrival for the best time you can actually plan for your money effectively is when it has not yet landed, the moment it lands, if you try planning for it then, you'll be having excessive planning which may leads to a waste of much money.

AND always remember in all we do; #MONEYMUSTBEMADE

I remain your friend and brother.


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We did not wait for money coming time it's come by luck and Hard work

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes absolutely right .And i have read much about this in a book name Rich dad poor dad . We basically make a mistake by making liabilities instead of asset. If you plan then you will make asset but if it is money who plan for you then you will make a liabilities which is quiet dangerous

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes, I think same example is there in that book, but I couldn't remember, thanks for stopping by

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4 years ago

Invest first because out of investment u can get a lot more from ur investment

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4 years ago

That's very true, but before we invest, let's always do our own research

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4 years ago

Invest before spending

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4 years ago