Why is this happening😔?

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Im always asking on god why?

Why?all does things happen?😭 More people not dying in Covid-19, but more die in starvation or hunger, here in philippines more people always asking ? When ? When all these end ,when we are back to normal😞? .. l miss the normal, imiss to go out with my loveones to go with my friends and have beautiful bonding with my own family..look january2020 when die my idol in basketball Kobe bryant with her daughter, TAAL VOLCANO ERUPTION ,and until now have an PANDEMIC covid-19, AUSTRALIAN BUSHFIRE,GEORGE FLYOD DEATH'S(RACISM)... All of those predicted by simpson😞 .iwish to end this happening .i thought when new years come its a new full of positive and energy year but its not 😞 full of bad things happened in this year 2020,

Iwish to have a good health of us and no more bad things be happy in this beautiful world and enjoy life because we only live once 🙏 so ikeep praying to be have an peace in this world lets keep praying and never give up to this problem we can do this amen❤️🙏

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